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Things at the office have been quiet. For the most part, I spend the day alone, except for when I'm emailed a list of requests that have me running around the building.

I can't help but notice that something is up with Grace. Over the past two days, her texts have become shorter and less frequent. I figure–I hope, that she's only busy settling into her new workplace, and didn't catch wind of what happened between Hector and I.

As far as I know, they're still dating, so things must be going well. I should find out today, since she invited me out to coffee after work.

I look at the time at the bottom right of my monitor. 5:07pm. It's about time I head out to meet her.

I prepare my bag and send Hector my last email for the day. I always struggle with my signature. What do I write? Best wishes? Sincerely? I definitely can't use warm wishes.

My face heats with shame as I remember my body's reaction to his words. His gaze. My heart had been racing like it does for Henry whenever I met with him in The Machine. God, I miss him. It has been so long since I saw him.

Maybe I should live a little. Break my boring fucking cycle of going to work and then my couch. I'm in a new city, and have only made one friend. I'm procrastinating even when it comes to growing my social circle, and I'm not getting any younger. It's concerning that I've never been a bridesmaid, and that my sister only occasionally reaches out to me when she's extremely bored.

God, I can't be this tragic, can I?

Yeah, I should live. Try a dating site, or get the backbone to find Henry in The Machine and ask him to meet me in real life. Knowing my luck, the guy is married with two kids, but there's only one way to find out.

I take the elevador down, giving the boss' office a final glance. His door is shut as it always is. He no longer steps out during the day to give me hand-written instructions. I kind of miss the smell of his cologne as he walked past my desk, the bold lettering on his notes, and our inside joke about salty chips.

But this is for the best. In just three more days, I'm returning back to the accounting department and leaving this corner desk behind. I'll never step foot on this executive floor again.

Downstairs, I exit the elevator and run across the street to the bus. A pen falls out of my bun–one I forgot I had placed there. I don't look back as I enter the bus, a panting mess. It's crowded in here, but that's nothing new. The ride is quick as I think of Grace and what I'm going to tell her. Of course I'll have to act naturally and hide the fact that her man made a pass on me, and that I kind of liked it.

I step off the bus, hauling my tote bag higher up my shoulder and looking around. Through the glass windows of the cafe, I can see that Grace is already in the cafe with a guy I recognize. I've seen him on the executive floor a few times.

I enter and wave at Grace from afar. Her eyes widen, but she works a smile onto her face. "Hey, you're early," she says.

"Yeah. It's great to see you." I turn to the suited male beside her. "Hi."

"Leila, this is my cousin. His name is Gregory."

I nod. "Nice to meet you. I thought you looked familiar."

Grace entwines her fingers. "Yeah, he's one of Hector's executives, actually."

(A/N: Gregory broke the news to Grace that Hector met Leila in the machine)

"Sorry that our meeting is cut short, but I have to get going." Gregory smiles. "See you around, Leila. It's nice to finally meet you." He extends his hand, and I shake it.

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