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3 Months Later

I walk into the elevator with Hector beside me, my phone clutched tightly in my hand. Heads turn in the lobby.

Hector rented two office floors on this skyscraper. He has gathered twenty employees. In one year, we're scheduled to expand.

Today is our first day, and it feels like high school all over again.

Hector thrives on the attention. He walks with purpose in his pressed designer suit. I'm wearing a $20 pencil skirt and a cheaper blouse. It blows my mind how our clothes share the same closet.

I try to keep up with him, but the man's legs are long, and his ego is endless.

It's just us two in the elevator. The ride to the nineteenth floor is short. Instead of watching the numbers climb on the screen, I stare at the carpet, keeping my head low as always.

I'm sure employees will wonder how someone like me could be Hector's assistant. Heads will blow and take the building down with it when they discover I'm also his girlfriend. Hopefully, they haven't made that connection yet.

We exit the elevator together, and employees address Hector. They offer respectful nods, smiles, and greetings. Then, their eyes stray to me.

Hector only nods at people. He maintains his cool front. When we enter his office, his demeanor changes. He goes from the intimidating, powerful boss to a puppy wagging his tail. He wraps his arms around me and lifts me, spinning me as he pecks my face.

I giggle. "Put me down before you wrinkle your suit."

He sits on the chair and brings me onto his lap.

"This isn't what I meant," I say.

"You're becoming bossy. I've been rubbing off on you," he replies, shifting his groin against my ass. "In more ways than one." He reaches under his desk and clicks a button. The door locks.

"Hey... what are you up to?"

He swivels the chair, showing me the city through the wide window. His office is still being organized. There are boxes on the corner, an empty bookshelf, and no blinds.

"That city out there..." he says, kissing my neck. "We're going to conquer it together. We will develop life-changing technology inspired by you. Your beauty, kindness, and innocence."

I shudder. His lips and words stir something inside me. A year ago, I could have never imagined that I would have landed on the lap of such a powerful man. A man who claims to love me. A man who gave up his kingdom to start over and seek my forgiveness. Now we have to start over, but I'm looking forward to it.

"Thank you," I whisper. He makes me feel precious. We made our relationship work, although lies and anger nearly destroyed us.

His phone rings, and he sighs before picking it up. "What is it?"

He stiffens. "What is her name?" There's a pause before he adds, "I'll be right there."

I stand up and frown as Hector runs a hand down his face. "What's wrong?"

"Do you want me to tell you, or do you want me to deal with it?"

"Tell me," I insist.

"Well, someone showed up to the reception desk with an application. They were told to apply online because reception has nothing to do with hiring. The person insists on handing it to us personally and wants access to the floor. Guess who it is?"

Now I'm rubbing my face, too. "Grace," I groan.

I should have known she wasn't going to give up. Hector is too valuable for her. All she sees are money signs.

Caught by the BossWhere stories live. Discover now