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I pick up my cellphone when it rings, not pulling my eyes from my computer screen. I've been busy since I left the company. Manically working and keeping myself busy.

"Hey, you're going to want to hear this. Apparently, Leila got arrested."

That gets my attention.

I've been watching Leila over the past few months. Ensuring Grace's crazy ass doesn't bother her. I've hired a private detective to track her. Maybe I'm a bastard for it, but I admitted my guilt. I warned her that I can't just walk away.

"Arrested for what?" I ask the detective as I put the call on speaker and open my texting app and contact my lawyer.

"She fought with Grace. I'm sending you her location right now."

"Good." I hang up and grab my keys.

This isn't how I expected to see Leila again after months apart, but it can't be helped. She won't spend a fucking night behind bars as long as I'm breathing. I'll dump as much money as I have to in order to make this go away. Even if I were broke, I'd break into jail for her.

I call my lawyer when there's no reply to my text and run downstairs to my car. I order them to meet me at the precinct. Then I speed down my driveway, my fingers tapping the steering wheel as unspent adrenaline builds in me.

I will ruin Grace for this. I don't need to know the situation to figure that Grace crossed a line. The woman has been circling me like a vulture, trying to find a way back into my life. She called and texted until I changed my number. She mailed me letters. I was her golden ticket and she can't stand losing me. Surely, she tried some scheme with Leila and it went sideways.

I arrive at the precinct and wait for my lawyer. I park my car as I fuss with my phone. Outside, I hear a man run up to a police officer.

"Is Leila here yet?" He asks an officer.

This grabs my attention. I step out of my car, throwing the door shut. "Who are you?" I ask the man.

He catches his breath as he sizes me up. "I'm off duty. Go inside if you need help."

Off duty? So he's a cop.

My eyes narrow. "The only thing I need is for you to explain how you know Leila."

Sirens wail, and we both turn to watch cars approach. Leila steps out first, handcuffed. She lifts her head and locks eyes on me, and then the stranger. She's stunned. Shocked to see the both of us.

I just don't fucking know why. Who is this guy?

"Don't worry. I'll take care of this," I tell her.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, but I have no time to answer as she's led inside. The off-duty cop follows her.

I call my lawyer again, needing to resolve this situation within the next ten minutes. Leila has no business being in handcuffs.

Once my lawyer arrives, we head inside for business.

It takes an hour going back and forth before Leila walks out a free woman. I had to put some dirty money under the table, but it was all worth it. I wait by the entrance for her to show up. But when she does, I don't feel the relief I had been expecting. Because she's with that man.

"Leila," I call out, walking up to her.

She rubs her forehead, sighing. I scan her for injuries and am relived when I find nothing other than smudged makeup and ruffled hair.

"How did you know I was here?" She asks me.

"Why don't you introduce me to your friend here?" I reply, staring at the male openly.

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