Chapter 6

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"Hello new neighbor."

I stared shocked at the one and only school player/bad boy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I live in the neighborhood.. And my mom sent me to give you this." He held out something in a toperwear. I laughed. He looked at me weirdly.

"Since when did bad boys listen to their mommy? Haha!" I laughed and he stared at me with a poker face.

"Whatever." He said with an annoyed expression on his handsome face.

"So... What are you doing?" He asked me.

"I am having a sleepover with my new friends." I told him.

"A sleepover! Why wasn't I invited!? I am the most popular girl in school! Ugh!" He imatated a high girl squeky voice. I couldn't help but laugh and he did too.

"Whatever. Ok! So can you go now?" I told him

"Getting rid of me so soon?" He smirked. Ugh! That stupid smirk!

"Yes! Goodbye!" I closed the door on his face. I guess I can be rude sometimes.

He was shoutimg from the other side of the door.

"You know you're the first girl who's ever not drooled over me! Can you hear me!? Well! See you at school tomorrow! Bye!" I chuckled.

I waited another hour till the girls came over. The doorbell rung and I answerd it.

"Tori!" They both said at the same time in a high pitch voice.

"Hey guys! Who is ready for THE best sleepover in your entire life!"

They both said ya and high fived each other. I laughed.

"Your house is gigantic! Like seriousely!"

"Thanks! Make yourself at home!"

They both walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

I asked them if they wanted anything to drink. They both declined the offer.

"So Tori! Do you know any of your neighbors?" Claire asked while she was playing with Toby.

"Yes actually! River lives in the neighborhood. He brought me some cookies awhile ago from his mom." Nicki's and Claire's eyes were the size of saucers once I told them.

"River. Lives. Next. Door!" Nicki squeled. I thought she disliked him.

"I thought yoy didn't like River. Why did you squel?" I asked Nicki.

"Oh! I don't like like him. I just like his incredible eight pack amd his killer jawline. I mean how can anybody not like that guy? He is the sexiest man alive!"

I laughed at Nicki. She was so overiacting! He is not the sexiest man alive!

Or is he?

"Tori! Guess what!"


"River is having a party at his place! I just recieved the text message!"

"Me too!"

That JERK! He planned a party just so he could ruin my sleepover! Ugh! Oh two can play this game.

"Do you guys want to go?"

"YEAH!" They both answerd at the same time.

"Well let's get ready!"

"Uh Tori? We don't have any clothes to wear at the party. Just our pjs and clothes for school tomorrow." Nicki said.

"Don't worry! You can borrow my clothes!"

"Ohhh..You guys can borrow my clothes!" They both smiled, and I dragged them upstairs to my bedroom.

I each gave them an outfit that I thought would look good on them. 
When Claire tried her's on, I got my makeup bag ready.

"Guys! Look!" Claire looked so stunning. Her body was curvy and her legs were long and tan. My clotges look really good on her.

"You looke amazing! You look better in my clothes than I do!"

"Claire! You look stunning! Now come here so I can do your hair. " Nicki gestured for Claire to sit on the chair I had put in front of the mirror. "So! Do you want curled or straighted hair?"

"Straight! I think that's what I should go for tonight! Straight hair!"

"Yes mam!" I chuckled at my friends' silly behavior.

"I will be doing your makeup!" I walked over to Claire wuth my makeup bag. First I put red lipstick on her thin lips. Then, I put a light pink blush on her cheeks to show color. I also put false eyelashes on her. And her eyeshadow was skin color. When I was done, Nicki was done doing Claire's black hair.

"Ok done! Look in the mirror Cliare!" Claire looked in the mirror and she smiled.

"Thankyou! Guys! I love my hair! And my makeup looks like it was done by a profesional!" She squeled.

"Your welcome! Now! Nicki go get changed! Claire will do your makeup and I will do your hair this time!"

Claire and I patiently waited for Nicki to change.

"I'm done changing! So what do you think?" I stared at Nicki. She looked absolutely stunning! She had amazing curves that any woman would be jealouse of. She was just goals!

"Omg! You look like a beautiful model!" Claire said.

"Nicki! You look absolutely gorgeouse! Geez guys! I should give all my clithes to you both since you do look way better in them that I do!" They both laughed.

"Ok! Let's get you dolled up!"

Nicki sat on the chair where we did Claire's hair and makeup.

"So, do you want straight or curly hair?"

"I want a straight hight ponytail.

"Ok! That's easy!"

Claire did Nicki's makeup like a pro! She put clear lipgloss on Nicki's lips. She out false eyelashe on her too. And her eyeshadow was light brown.

I fixed her hair quick. Since it was easy.

When I were done fixing Nicki's hair, I changed into the clothes I was wearing for the party. It
Was only 7:30.

"I am done changing! So how do I look?" I posed for them and they both gasped.

"You look so beautiful Tori! Omg! You look like one of those Victoria's Secret models!" Claire squeled.

"Claire is so right Tori! You do look like a Victoria's Secret angel or model! Now let me do you hair! Curly or straight?"

"Curly please!"

I sat on the chair while they dolled me up. 30 minutes later they were done.

I looed in the mirror and gasped! My hair was curled to perfection. My makeup was looked like it was done by a pro. I looked stunning to be honest. I've never felt so beautiful in my entire life!

"Thankyou! So so much guys!!!"

"Your welcome Tori! All the hot guys will be starimg at you tonight!" I chuckled.

"Whatever! Let's go! Claire can you put water in Toby's bowl."


I walked down stairs with Nicki and waited on the couch for Claire.  When she finally was done, we walked out of my house.
"We can walk there!"

"Ya! Let's go get this party started!" Nicki yelled.

"Nicki! We aren't even there yet!"

"Well let's get this party started when we get to the party"

I laughed.

Maybe I'll like it here.

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