Chapter two : Aaron

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Tess took Nova away from me and rushed her to school. Though I didn't like her or her friends, I felt as though I had to make it up to them by paying for the car's insurance.

I didn't have much money but I wanted to help so that would mean I would have to get a job.

I made it to school from my girlfriend, Eva, she picked me up because my car was totaled.

I knew she had a lot going on as well. I felt guilty asking her to drive me to school.

Before I made it to school she asked me,
"How was the party last night, Aaron?"

I start getting nervous as sweat starts to fall down my face.

"What are you talking about," I ask nervously.

"I know you went to a party and got drunk. You were on a long streak of being sober." She snaps at me.

I started crying as if it mattered to me more than I made it seem.

I liked when I felt drunk, it made me happy for a moment where I didn't have to worry about my family problems.

We made our way inside the school building, Eva didn't even dare to look at me as we walked in.

I knew we had a lot of problems but I loved her. I needed her, she is the only one that made me feel happy. But it's not healthy for me and I know it.

I'm late, I know, so I walk into class and I see everyone's face look at me.

I sit as the teacher carries on her lecter.

Soon enough the bell rings and I make my way to lunch.

I finally got a break even though I only had one period today because I was late for my other classes.

I get my lunch and make my way to Tess and Nova's table before Eva tripped me and my plate of food fell on Nova.. She gasped as I stumbled to my feet.
" I'm so sorry I can-" She cuts me off again, like she's got some nerve.

"How dare you, you hateful boy! First you ruin Tess's car now you throw your food on me! I'm done, get out of my face I don't want to see you."

She stands up and smacks me.

Like she is such a brat? "I hate you Nova!" I say and I look coldly at her.

"Feelings are mutual!" She says and rolls her eyes at me.

My mom taught me never to hit a female but oh boy was I close.

After lunch my friend Landon walked up to me and showed me the recording of me getting slapped by Nova.

Oh the embarrassment. I hate her more than anyone.

She caused so much damage to my name. Now people won't stop asking me about what happened.

It makes me so mad but of course she wouldn't understand what's going on in my life.

It's not like she lives my life. My parents think I'm a failure. My girlfriend hates me and I have to pay for a whole car.

Great, my life just keeps spinning in an endless loop of my mental problems I know I have but can't fix.

Nobody listens to me, I lie to my therapist and my friends don't care, they act as if they do, but I know they don't. I know deep down they don't.

That's my problem, everyone says they care, they say they will listen or be there for you, but at the end of the day nobody is there to fill in that empty space I need.

I need that one special person, the one person that makes me feel at home.

The rest of the day went by fast. I get home by riding the bus. I sat next to my friend Casper.

He tries talking to me but he stops after realizing I don't care.

I groan in anger, it's almost like he is using mind control powers to force myself to explain to him everything.

I explain everything.

He doesn't care, he just says, "I'm so sorry."

That's why I don't open up to people anymore. They don't bother to listen or care about me.
When I get home mom sees me and knows something's wrong.

I hadn't told her about my car because I knew she would be furious. I go up to my room and fall asleep but I wake up to my little sister playing with her Barbie's.

"Why are you up so late sweet Pete?" I ask.

I put her back in her crib not expecting an answer from her because she isn't twelve months yet.

Finally, I fell asleep.

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