Chapter six : Nova

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"Oh no!" I shout. "I need Tessa right now."

I text Tessa.

"You need to get done here fast! I found out something shocking and it might ruin my life." Sent.

Before I could put my phone down she respond, "Can't, at a birthday party. Srry."

Well that's great. I need someone to talk to about this. Do I call up my only other friend. Well not friend. The only other person I could think of was Eva.

I called up Eva. She told me she could come over for a few minutes but she would have to leave soon after.
About 10 minutes after the doorbell rang.

"Hey, what's the important news?" She said.

"Well, on Aaron's story, he posted about a note someone left in his backpack. I think he thinks it was me but it wasn't so what should I like do so he will think it's someone else?" 

I respond. I acted nervous almost making it seem like I DID make the note.

"Well if you want him to not think it was you, you should write him a note leading him away from your name." She said.

My face blew up in excitement!

"That is a brilliant idea! Thank you so much for coming bye!" I slam the door in her face.

We aren't friends but we aren't enemies.

I spent hours thinking about a note. What should I write?

Finally I thought of something perfect.

"Hey, it's you anonymous lover again. I wanted to give you hints on who I am. I'm a ginger and I am in your class. If you know who I am then ask me I might say no even if you get it right. But if you want to reply in a letter then just drop it off in the same spot in the library."

This letter was almost perfect. I put it in my backpack waiting to slip it in his locker tomorrow. While he is in lunch I could put it in his backpack white he is in the cafeteria. 

I wake up early to get myself ready.

When I got to school everyone was crouding something.

Was it a fight? Maybe someone lost their dog?

Perhaps it's a-. Never mind it's a fight. How could I have imagined, just a typical day in this lame old town.

I went to homeroom to get everything unpacked waiting for the first bell to dismiss us to our first period.

As soon as the bell rang I ran to my first period. I put my stuff on my desk and was ready for a long 15 hours of school work. I'm exaggerating it's more like 50 minutes but it feels way too long.

As soon as the class was done, the rest of my classes were over quicker.

Then here comes lunch. I figured that this was the perfect time to put the note in his locker.

I open the locker and put it in but I hear footsteps in the hall coming toward me. I look up and it's just my math teacher.

"Hello." I say.

"Good evening Nova." He respond.

I smile and get back to opening his locker. I open it and I look around where to put it.

His lunch box?

He should've taken this to lunch with him shouldn't he? I pick it up with my other hand. As I examined it a noise startled me so I jumped.

It was Aaron.

I'm an idiot.

How stupid do I have to be if his lunch is in his locker he would come back for it.

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