Christmas Ball

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Christmas Ball

Lucuis was busy helping Stede get ready for the Christmas ball they recently came across of as Izzy was mad that they even have to go to such a place as their pirates.

Once the crew was off to the party Stede and Lucuis stayed behind to get ready which Izzy didn't care to dress proper he was just excited for the drinks

"Hey Stede how dose this look do you think I can get someone with this outfit" Lucius said looking in the mirror.

"Definitely" Stede said fixing his jacket as they both walked out of the ship and to the party.

Izzy sighed holding his drink as he leaned against the back walls talking with Blackbeard about raiding the next ship they see when Stede and Lucius walked in

Blackbeard immediately walked off right to Stede as Izzy watched Lucius walk up to the bar to get a drink. 

Lucius wore a white button up that was halfway unbuttoned showing a lot of his chest and tight black pants Izzy could even say he looked really attractive like that.

"Hey" Lucius said siting by a guy who looked a lot like Izzy he had short grayish blackish hair had that shape of face had a raspy voice and wore similar clothes.

"Mm who do we have here" the man said amused as Lucius sat down next to him.

"I'm Lucius and you are" he said smiling at the man leaning on the bar flirty

"Izzi" he said with a smile "and no there's no y at the end it's a I I get that lot" the man said.

"I have a coworker named Izzy his is a y though" Lucius said.

"Mm you got good taste then for men" the man said.

"That I do I take pride in that" Lucius said fixing his hair and taking a sip of his drink.

"So want to dance" the man said.

"Of course looking this good who am I to say no" Lucius said and stood up.

Izzy watched them as they walked to the dance floor as he drank his drink as Blackbeard walked over to get another drink.

"Hey Blackbeard doesn't that guy Lucius is with look like me" he asked.

Blackbeard turned around to look "he dose that's crazy" he said before walking back to Stede

"So do you like your coworker" the man asked seeing Lucius confused face "you said I look like him is he here tonight" he asked.

"Ya he's over there" Lucius said pointing as the man turned and looked.

"Oh I see what you mean" he said.

"Ya but he hates me" Lucius said frowning.

"Well let's get out of here and I'll give you what you want" the man said grabbing his arm.

"Um no thanks I have to go" Lucius said nervously. 

"That man looks familiar" Izzy said to himself.

"No come on I dance with you talk with you and you give me what I want now" the man said gripping his arm tighter.

"Ow you're hurting me let me go" Lucius said.

"No you're a fucken bitch teasing me taunting me so we're going back to my cabin" he said.

"Fuck you" Lucius spat.

"You're a little whore arnt you fucking around here flirting with every guy who looks like your fucken coworker" the man spat at him.

"Izzi the Buch" Izzy said finally figuring out who the man was as they fought way back "shit" Izzy said seeing Lucius looking around nervously as the man grabbed his arm.

"You know what little whores like you deserve this" the man said and slapped Lucius as he stumbled back but the man still had a grip on his arm.

"Let him go" Izzy said as the man turned around.

"Ah the asshole on Blackbeard's team am I correct" the man said.

"Let him go" Izzy said louder and he was more serious than Lucius has ever seen him.

"What you gonna do what if I pay for this ship twink 50 grand" the man said as Lucius eyes widened as he held back tears.

"No amount you could say will change my mind now let him go" Izzy said in a demanding voice.

"100 grand" the man said "besides someone needs to teach this whore a lesson".

Izzy didn't even think twice before punching the man as he finally let go of Lucius who ran off.

"Don't talk about him like that ever again" Izzy said and kicked him as the rest of the crew stepped in and he ran off to find Lucius.

Izzy walked outside the building to see Lucius crying siting on the ground.

Izzy sighed and went and sat next to him.

"Are you ok" Izzy said.

"No all I wanted to do was find a date but I'm apparently just a whore" he said as Izzy turned to him.

"No you're not" Izzy said "and I don't care what he says he's a bitch".

Lucius laughed wiping his tears.

"Well I think your more hot anyway" Lucius said as Izzy smiled.

"Well do you want to be my date to the Christmas ball" Izzy said standing up and helped Lucius up.

"I'd love to" he said and took Izzy's hand and walked back into the room and walked to the dance floor.

Lucius put his arms around Izzy's shoulders as he put his hands on his waist.

"Can't believe he tried to pay you" Lucius said.

"Well your priceless so that's never going to happen" Izzy said and saw Izzi in the corner with an ice pack and smirked as he swayed with Lucius and put his middle finger up and laughed seeing how mad he was and looked back at Lucius.

"Thank you Izzy" Lucius said and leaned in and kissed him and leaned back.

"No problem but do you want to get out of here I hate seeing the captains kissing in the corner" Izzy said as Lucius laughed and nodded.

"Ya let's go" he said grabbing Izzy's hand as they ran out of the Christmas ball but just before Izzy ran over and punched Izzi knocking him out and walking back to Lucius with a smirk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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