The Supreme Nainka

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The Supreme Nainka

In the same way we got involved with the guardians and their not so regular customs, we understood that we had no choice but to remain firm in the face of what brought us to these new experiences, to remain united and never trust anything. Jhon and I had to wait a while longer before reaching Lakemoon with the anguish of not knowing what I-Eslam's ritual was about or why my help had alerted him. I understood less and less, and although before the idea of venturing into freedom had seemed wonderful, I realized that those same adventures were turning into nightmares.

That night I saw Jhon become something he wasn't... or maybe what he really was. I felt as if I suddenly lost part of my past. I docilely submerged myself in the illusion of my narcosis. I don't deny that even while dreaming I wanted to believe that even the reality of that moment was part of what I was dreaming. However, when I woke up, I returned to the unsettling reality of not being able to change the facts.

The lightning that came from the Nork, I remember, was projected into the sky, and formed that enigmatic sphere that remained shining even after the ritual was over. My help resulted in the consumption of almost all my energy.

As we could, we took Jhon home. I'll never understand what sakes of mine these guardians were thinking when they built their homes, but one thing I am sure of, no one, not even by mistake, would've ever found them. The Asteri followed a narrow slope on one side of the canyon-like cliff, at the end of the slope, a roofed passageway welcomed us. It was pleasant to discover their shelter beneath the surface of the cliff, there among the musty, rustic rocks of the Kheroan shores. I-Eslam's house didn't escape the pattern of his companions, like that of the other guardians, his home had been nestled at the bottom of a cliff. It wasn't that big, but it was comfortable, with a door functioning as a ventilation mechanism. The coincidence in the shelters of the three guardians known so far gave me an idea of the pattern of homes in Gran Epicradia.

We put Jhon to bed in the guardian's bed. In spite of my exhaustion, I didn't feel like sleeping. I sat at the entrance, at the edge of the slope, leaning against the rocky walls, I felt short of breath, my legs couldn't support my body. I-Eslam then looked out and observed my rehabilitation process. —Will you spend the night out there? —he asked. I didn't know what to answer, and going against my will, I shook my head. Something made him think I wanted company because he sat next to me. After the ritual, I‑Eslam waited for the right moment to talk to me about his concern in regard to seeing me take the Nork and, according to him, not having interrupted the connection.

At first, I didn't stop to think, I don't know if it was my state or my surprise; however, when I was able to analyze things, I myself was curious to know what he considered inappropriate, not to mention that I didn't know what connection he was talking about.

—Better? —he asked, accompanying the greeting with a pat on my back.

—I think so, thank you. How's Jhon doing?

—He'll be all right... but you won't hear from him until dawn.

—I feel sick, very weak. That thing was eating me up. What were you trying to do?

—My task. I keep my promise.

—Which one?

—If Hendor sent the boy with the Nork, it was so he could meet his mother.

—He said something about it, but I didn't quite understand.

—Marina must've contacted Hendor to send the boy with me. And if so, she already needs us in Gran Epicradia.

Jhon Burston. The demise of the Nainka heirWhere stories live. Discover now