Company Employment

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School, was in session. 

Students sat in class, roamed the halls, chatted with friends and ran to their next class in hopes of not being late. A lively bunker that Mallory called his home, a home he has returned to after he escaped the sence of S's various murderous crimes in the other bunker they temporarily stayed in.

He was starting to regret coming back, however. 

Ever since he got back 3 days ago, via S flying him over, it has been anything but relaxing. 

From the worried guards, the painful reattachment of his severed arm, to his lack of good sleep while stuck in the "hospital". His time here has been awful.

The hospital wasn't a real one, or something even close to medical, it was really just some redecorated spare school gym, with mechanical tools, a large tank of oil for patients and spare parts. Honestly, pretty disgusting place but Mallory had already lost a lot of oil, even if he did cut off the flow to his stub of an arm, and needed to rest up and heal.

Now don't get him wrong, Mallory LOVED sleeping. He could sleep anywhere!

Bathroom, couch, kitchen bench, janitor closest, gym equipment storage, the teachers lounge, anywhere. Mallory, however, had one small secret to his ability to sleep anywhere; audio receptors. Every drones got two right where the ears would be on a human. But Mallory is the only one that turns them reeeaally low during his sleep, despite the amount of times he was advised not to do that. 

It was actually one of the few things that teacher would remind him of. Whether if it was for his own safety or because they didn't want him to continue snoozing through their classes. 

Where were we? Right, sleeping. So anyways, [BEEP] this hospital!

Mallory couldn't catch a single bloody wink of sleep because apparently the amount of oil he lost wasn't fatal but instead was juuust enough to mess up a few of his inner workings and systems. 

And guess what, his audio receptors were [BEEP]. Stuck on the noise setting he left them on while he was coming back, which was the highest one. So now it's impossible to get a quiet moment since every-[BEEP]-thing was just, so, LOUD. The stupid curtain for walls surrounding his area didn't do [BEEP] as well.

Mallory buried his pillow into his face, groaning loudly in frustration. His battery was fully charged, his arm was reattached, and he got a fresh new, not stained, shirt, but that don't mean a thing without sleep! All the footsteps of docters and nurses running around helping the injured sucked, guess S's first surprise "visit" left some lasting damage to a lot of drones.

"When the hell am I allowed to sleep in a proper bed and not in this [BEEP] oversized brick!" Mallory hissed, tossing and turning as best as he could with his sore body. He didn't want to mess up something in his arm and stay longer so he was forced to rest up in this dingy place. Rest, though, was a kind way to put it, it was more like he was forced to stay still with nothing but his thoughts and the background noise of hurt people, at least he hoped.

Safe to say, the place was suffocating to him. Off coloured white curtains, a floorboard creaking just barely off key with every step taken on it. The stupid high gym ceiling and the occasional pained yelp, it was awful being there hooked up to some dumb moniter.

Mallory really wanted to silence right about now, hell, he would kill for some silence right now...

The floors beyond his curtains creaked loudly as a pair footsteps grew nearer. Mallory assumed someone, most likely a pair of nurses, was just passing by but he couldn't help but listen closely.

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