SB Plays Among Us

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Ok, so I was too lazy to make a pic, so I found one on Google instead 🙃

Anyways, while y'all still making requests, I'm gonna write some stuff so I can procrastinate :D

Only forewarning is my stupidity at losing my last two braincells :>

UPDATE: Also I wrote Earth's Moon as "Moon" by accident instead of "Luna" so many times before realizing, and I'm too lazy to change it, so pls don't kill me-


Third Person POV-->

The inner planets were bored and Earth was trying to come up with ideas to cure that boredom.

"Astroid Dodgeball?"

"NO U RECKLESS IDIOT" (Me: Bet y'all know this guy-)

"Why not?" Earth asked.


"I mean.." He responded, unsure how exactly to answer because the earthlings were acting like assholes way too often for his liking. 
Earth shook his head and continued, "Anyways, how about cards??"

Mars yawned. As much as he liked playing cards (Me: You mean love. He loves playing ca-), he was starting to get used to Earth whining like a baby every time he loses, and it gets irritating after some point.

Mercury looked at Mars before saying " that's definitely not an option."


"Chill bro" Mars said.


While they proceeded with their (Me: popcorn-worthy drama-witnessing moment-) argument, Earth thought about what to do. Moon, who was seeing this asked Earth, "Do we really do nothing else??"

Earth thought about it. "I mean, this is kinda all we do to pass the time, as we liked it like that...until now that is-"

Moon continued, "-So, let's try something new! Do you still have all those oversized earthling stuff??" 

"That depends, what stuff are you taking about?"

Moon was silent before responding again "How about those skinny blocks those Earthlings have all the time? Like...what do you call it? A photon? A..." 

Earth was chuckling at Moon's attempt in trying to name the device. "It's a phone! So you want me to bring some phones here?"

"Uh, yea. I guess?"

"What are we going to do with phones?"

"Play those games that are on them of course! You wanted something different, right?" Moon asked. He was waiting for a response before hearing Earth laughing so hard. "What happened?" Moon asked.
"Oh nothing," Earth said, "It's just the fact you don't know what the object is called but you know what's in it-" (Me: Bro, have you listened to a song you have never heard the name of-)

Moon, ignoring Earths stupid laughter, asked, "So, can you bring them?"

"Sure *sharp inhale* no- problem-" Earth said through laughs. Moon rolled his eyes as Earth had brought phones for all the inner planets (+ some extra ones incase the others get destroyed somehow).

Now, while they were actually finding a solution, poor Mercury got hit by a solar flare and Venus was laughing his core off. Mars just sighed after trying to help Venus cool off (which didn't work). So, when Earth came with the phones (Me: -That he totally did NOT steal from some of his ungrateful earthlings-), he just looked confused at the situation. Moon was kinda expecting this tbh, so let's not talk bout that.

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