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I was so naive, to follow in pursuit of a man that would pay me for being his sugar baby.

Chelsea manipulated me a lot during this time, I'd believed her when she said this was the best way to make money. A place like this, for girls like us was like a teller, that never tapped out.

Men just throwing themselves at you, along with money in exchange for personal favors. Some wanted sex, role-play, different tasks depending on the person.

At this time I was only a sophomore, barely sixteen wanting to have more money. It was selfish of me, I didn't think about everyone I was effecting. Hell I didn't have time for a job, but I let her convince me this was the best option.

I knew Chelsea had done this for years, and she'd first been introduced to this by an older man. I trusted her, she seemed to be doing something right. From the outside peeking in she looked to have it all, popularity, looks that years of plastic surgery couldn't get you- with her hourglass figure towering over me as a model, tan skin, blond hair I envied her. No I envied what she'd shown me, not her true skeletons.

I never did exchange sexual favors of any sort with these men, although they paid more I'd decided to keep my relationship strictly online. I enjoyed it that way.

I'd only met the man once, that's why it took me a second to recognize him. He on the other hand wasted no time exploring the endless possibilities. Although he was different from the many of her sugar daddy's, his time was valuable and he'd paid me in full.

The thing was, not all the men were good. I was lucky I didn't end up like Chelsea and I got out, but it was too late for her, she was in too deep. I remember Chelsea's picture being on social media sites, and in papers for months. Although no one found her body her family still had a funeral, at that time I didn't I understand why the did. They lost hope, their baby girl was gone.Maybe if the police knew more, just maybe they'd be able to find her. I didn't know exactly why she did it, her family was already rich as it was. Maybe it was for attention that she craved so much, begging to be the center of attention. That's all she ever wanted, to be a star.

Even now that she's 'dead' everyone remembered her as kind hearted and loving. In true reality she was a manipulative bitch, one who I missed greatly.  I looked up to her as a mentor of some sort, being a chubby funsize, single black (dark skinned) girl was not easy. Having someone to look up to, who taught you all their tricks to getting guys, and gaining popularity made me feel like I was special.

Chelsea didn't deserve anything that happened to her, no one deserves such a cruel punishment. Till this day her family never got the closure they so greatly seeked, her family never seemed to move on after her tragic disappearance.The last time I saw Chelsea she got into a car with a man by the name of Roy.

I knew i couldn't tell anyone what happened to her, I didn't want to tarnish her memory the lie I told myself many times. But I knew I was really trying to cover my ass. As much as I hate to admit it, I'd loved the feeling of having a sugar daddy. He wasn't like no other, it wasn't his money that attracted me, but his dominance.

My online relationship, let alone contact with him ceased after the funeral. I got a new number, and blocked him out my life. Ignoring his texts and messages, dreading what was to come of this.

Yesterday was the first time I've seen him in years, it scared the hell out of me feeling his lips pressed against mine. I had to control myself, before I had gave back into his will.

After I'd blocked him out my life he didn't waste anytime moving on. I kept that thought in the back of the mind, trying to honor my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit. But damn temptation was a hell of a thing.

I decided to reply to his message the best way I knew how, I'd thought you moved on by now?

He simply responded casually as this hasn't affected him much, "I have, I just needed something more to grab onto."

I'd blushed before replying back smoothy, "Try a pillow, I hear that had a lot more fluff now days."

"Hmm I'd rather have something easier to grasp. That'd be able to handle what I'm packing."

I try to sound unfazed as I reply back to his message, "Too bad I have somebody else taking care of that for me.."

His message sounded jealous and possessive , "Hmm, we'll see about that."

I laughed at his message, deciding not to respond, not wanting the messages to go any further. It was pretty late already, and I wanted to enjoy my Saturday night in peace.

The sound of pebbles hitting my window grasped my attention, I peaked through the blinds to see Mr. Maddox standing outside my window with a cocky grin on his face.

I sighed, running my fingers through my braids I'd recently got done for school. I winced at the tightness, but nonetheless continued to twirl and play with them.

He always managed to surprise me, he was one hell of a man, I thought whilst locking my window so he couldn't get through. Seemingly he just disappeared in the darkness, and I was grateful for that as I began to unwind for bed.

I laid onto my side, snuggled into my pillow trying to ease myself into going to sleep. As my eyes became heavy, and I could barely hold my head up, I felt my bed dip. I couldn't fight the need for sleep, so this would have to be an argument for another day.


Hey Wattpad Readers,

Deciding to keep the chapter short and sweet I included a small flashback of sophomore year. That very awkward stage of every teenagers life, stuck between the 'glo up' and damn you ugly. It gets better, just wait.

Thank you for taking the time to read it, please comment any concerns or questions.

Love you all

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