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I stood up abruptly trying to get out of his iron grip, as he continued unfazed. He continued holding onto my waist as I tried prying his hands off of me. I knew I was playing a deadly game, which I was bound to loose.

I sighed, before turning my head as he tried to place a kiss on my lips.

"don't," I said weakly, feeling emotionally drained. This brought up memories of Chelsea, which was still a sore subject for me. I felt like I had when I was with her, I was out of control too far in to be brought to shore.

For a moment I just stood there in his arms staring into his eyes, trying to understand his intentions. I'd been hurt far too many times, I couldn't trust my own judgement. All I could see in his eyes was concern, but I still had my doubts.

He finally loosened his grip, allowing me to make a quick get away to the door. He continued staring straight ahead, as if I was still there.

I walked out the classroom before going to my locker to grab my jacket for my walk home. It was one of those rare occasions where the whether reflected you entire mood. A part of me felt like I was using Chelsea's death as an excuse to stay stuck, trying to cling onto the last days of my youth. I wanted to feel protected, like there was someone who cared for me. Maybe I was setting my standards too high, but was there anyone who'd miss me if I ended up like Chelsea.

I put the jacked on, gathering my braids together under the hoody.

I began to feel small droplets of rain hit my sweater, as it gradually built up to storms. At this point I was trying to jog home, loosing breath every so often having to stop. As I made it to the corner I couldn't shake the feeling of being followed, so I continued my jog.

As I rounded the corner I saw a familiar car pull up beside me with the passenger side window rolled down, "get in the car, you're going to get sick."
Mr. Maddox said demandingly.

I almost wanted to decline, but I knew I would end up on the side of a milk carton if I continued to walk alone in the rain. It wouldn't be the first time a girl went missing in this part of town.

I sighed, before awkwardly getting into his sleek sports car hoping the water wouldn't ruin his seats. As I sat down my wet skirt made an swish sound from the friction, almost making me blush from the sound. I slowly took off my gray sweater trying to warm up some with the blowing of the heat.

"Take off your clothes and put this in here," He said passsing me a bag.

Pff he was treating me like a little kid and I was sick of it. "What do you expect me to change into, I didn't bring any extra clothes" I said nonchalantly. I didn't mean to come off as rude, but it was annoying me with his need to control every single thing.

He said passing me one of his shirts and a pair of his sweats, as he turned in his head forward to give me some privacy.

As soon as I knew he wasn't looking I stripped my clothes just leaving on my underwear while my bra was soaked. I put on his shirt shaking my head, as it stopped below my knee. While his sweats that made it look like I was sagging, I giggled looking at myself in the mirror.

"All done," I said a little too giddy.

I turned my head, hearing a groan from him. I didn't know what to say, so I sank down in my seat. Did I really look that bad in his clothes?

"Pass me your wet clothes I'll take them home and wash them for you," He said gruffly.

I blushed, shaking my head embarrassed. "You don't have to, I have my bra and stuff in there...."

"Perfect, I'll return your clothes tomorrow," He said turning his eyes back to the road.

Before he could pull of, I tried to collect my stuff from him,"Why do you do that?"


"Every time I try to express my concerns or something you brush me off, making me feel like a child," I said stomping my feet for emphasis.

"I didn't know it bothered you so much, I'm just used to spoiling my babies." He said shaking his head.

"So I wasn't your only one then?" I felt my eyes getting watery, feeling slightly betrayed.

"No, did you expect me to wait?"

She didn't answer but turned in her seat instead, now facing the window. Finding he rain more amusing at the moment.

"Just take me home," I choked out silently tearing up.

He sighed running his hands through his hair, "look I'm not used to whatever this is."

"What is this? You tell me, huh that's right you don't know either, do you do this with with all underage girls? Are you a fucking pedophile?" I snarled out feeling disgusted.

"No I'm not a fucking pedophile, you're the only girl who was underage. Why do you think we never go farther? I'm not the one whose been lying this entire time." He said shaking his head.

I broke down crying not knowing what to say, he was right.

"I'm sorry, I'm just scared of getting hurt"

He chuckled at my statement a little, before grabbing both sides of my face

"When I first saw you at that party, I was shocked to say the least. After you'd stopped messaging me, I couldn't bring myself to let you go. To my surprise some twisted fate wanted us both to be at that party whether you want to admit it or not. I don't mean to come on so strong, but I'm getting close to the age where I have to get my priorities straight. At this exact moment you are my number one priority, so I'm tired of all these games. You've lied to me more than once, but I'm working on forgiving you. I just want a chance to know the real you, not some 23 year old, fake replica living in Washington. Maisha I'm not good with apologies, but I'm trying here. Now are you willing to make this work, do you still want me as your daddy?"


Hey everyone, I'm sorry for the slow updates. I hope everyone in Texas is safe during the Hurricane Harvey. If you have any suggestions for the next upcoming chapter comment below, if I need to slow the book down and give more background I will. I'm thinking of doing some scenes of when Chelsea and Maisha met and what exactly happened to Chelsea. If you have any questions comment below. I'm also going to be doing shout outs and dedicate chapters so be prepared for that, I hope y'all enjoy.

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