CHAPTER 15: Fever

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As I reached there
He was waiting for me at dinning table.

I was getting nervous
As I saw him there

I reached to him and sat across to him
As I sat there
He said
" Looks like you're really nervous "


"Even anyone can tell that you are nervous"

"But How??? "

"Cause you have wear different lenses in you both eyes"
(He laughed while saying that)

I quickly grabbed my pocket mirror from my purse
And the only word escape from my mouths

He said " Relax baby"

Suddenly his phone ring
(On call)

Ok!!! I'll be there"
He cut the call

I asked him
"Is everything is okay???? "

He said "Maybe I don't know but we have to end up our honeymoon session here only
Sorry y/n but we have to leave from here now only"

I asked him "No worry but what happened? "

He said " Nothing just meet me near the jet in 10 minutes sorry but it's little bit urgent "

I just nodded and leave from there.

//After 10 minutes//

I reached there and he was already there.

We both went in the jet
He said (to the pilot)
"Go straight to gwangju !!Hurry up!!"

I was thinking that why is he going there and this urgently.

I don't Know how but i fallen asleep

As I woke up
We reached there
We were going to land there.

He told me to go with his bodyguard
He will drop me to the hotel
By saying that he left me
I did as he told me to do

I was waiting for him in the room
I was hesitating to call him
After hesitating for straight 5-6 hours
I called him
He picked up immediately
He said " What happened babes???
Is everything is okay??"

I said him everything is ok
I just want to confirm how are you and when you gonna come?

He said " He is on the way"
He is going to reach in 5 minutes

I cut the call and take a quick shower
After some time someone knocks the door
I opened it
And he was jungkook
But his eyes we're red
And his face also
He was crying

As he came in
He putted his head on my shoulder and puts his all body weight on me
I was not able to balance him

I took him to the bed and made him laid
I touched his forehead
it was burning like a hot pan

I got worried and called his bodyguard to call a doctor immediately.

I putted a wet towel on his forehead

After sometimes it goes down

I slept besides him

//Jungkook pov//

I woke up and y/n was sleeping besides me

And I realized she was taking a care of me while I was sick

I was going to kiss her on her lips

I reached to her face
I was going to kiss her


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