CHAPTER 18: Cure

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After a tiredfull day
They slept together///////


Y/n wakes up first and she saw her dearest husband was besides her
Sleeping like a child
From outside he looks like a child but in reality he wolf
A wild wolf.......

As I was drown in my thought
I just started thinking about how his personalities are different from the first time i met him

I think his psycho personality can be cure
if I'll be his side

But first
I have to stop him to kill anyone
I think should stop his mafia work

But how?

Dear author please suggest me something

( Author pov: But why he is your husband not mine, You've to find solution of it by yourself only)

That's not fair author

okay I'll think something

I think this should be right
I'll talk about this to him tonight

I gets up and took shower and started packing our bag
because now we are going back to our house

(Author pov: y/n house? )

yaaa i mean our big mansion 😑
That's fine now

Author pov: Yesss it's absolutely fine😂

As jungkook wakes up he said
" What happened why are you packing up our belongings? "

sorry jungkook but I've to lie to you

y/n: Baby
I'm not feeling well
my medicines are at home
can't we just go back ?
I'm feeling well here

Jk: What happened
why are you not feeling well?
do you have fever?
are you okk?
do you need something?
( In tensed)

y/n : Jungkook relax
there's nothing serious but
I don't want to live here

Jk: Okay darling
As you say, We are going back now only

He gets up immediately and started helping me to pack all the things

After packing up we leave to our private jet

In few hours we reach to our destination
As we come home
His phone started ringing
I knew, He have to kill someone now
if he will picks up the call

He was going to pick up the call
I got an idea

I started kissing him
while wrapping my hands over his neck

I started kissing him while wrapping my hands over his neck

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in few seconds he grabbed my waist with his both hand

Our kiss was getting passionated,
Full of love, Care

Now I realize
That I started loving me
Yes I love him

(Author pov: Can't you just focus on your kisss? 🙂)

our kiss was getting deeper and deeper
He carries me to our bedroom
We didn't break our kiss

He puts me on the bed and said
"I think someone was not feeling well"

I said
" Why? Don't you like it, Mr. Hubby? "
( while touching his face seductive way)

Jk: "Y/n
please stop !!! Otherwise you will not able to walk properly "

y/n: You can do anything for me??

Jk: Of course babygurll
Anything for you
just say what you want??

Y/n: Can't we open a business??

Jk: What???
I mean that's a nice idea but suddenly
what happened?

Y/n: Nothing
let it be ,I know I wasted your time by saying
(While pouting a little bit in sadness)

Jk: Ohoo no no
I didn't mean that
I can do anything for you

Y/n: Really??
Do you really love me??

Jk: You know what
I didn't saw the sun of my day
and the moon of my night
As soon as I saw you
I don't know what should I call you
My sun ☀or my moon🌕

Y/n: You really love me that much
okay let's get on the point
let's open a business together

Jk: Okay but What type of business???

Y/n: Let's start a clothing brand
you know I will design it
for you brand

Y/n: Let's start a clothing brandyou know I will design itfor you brand

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He said okay we will

______After one month______

Everything was going with flow

But i didn't know that
our life will
take a twist and turns like this

Our life is going to complete change in few moments


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