CHAPTER 11:You are mine

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He has shouted at me many times but this time
He seem so much angry at me

He stopped the car in front of our house

He quickly opened my side door and he harshly grabbed my hand
Which causes pain

He started dragging me in inside of our house.

And as we came inside he ordered the staffs to take leave not for today.

I was really afraid of him now because of his changed behaviour towards me.

He dragged me to the main door
He stamped the door and after he pulled me harshly to our bedroom and thrown me on our bed.
And without saying anything he locked the door from outside and left from there..

I was really shocked from his behaviour

After some time he opened the door and
He came with something really terrifying....

He... He.. Came with a tattoo machine.... 😰

He closed the door and started coming towards me
I was stepping away from him...

But he grabbed my hand and tied up my hand with the bed edges.

He opened up my collar buttons and
Toke the tattoo machine and started to do something to on my collarbones...

Yn : jung.. Jungkkook..please listen to me..
Please listen to me last time...
Please clam down..
Please don't do this to me

He doesn't listen at all..

He started writing something
With tattoo machine on my collarbones..

I was shouting in pain..

Yn: Aahhhhhhh....
It's hurting... Jungkookkk.. Please stop....
It's hurting.... It's really hurt....
Jungkookkk don't do this..

He doesn't listen and
After some minutes
He stopped and
Looks at me wiped out my tears and said

Jk: Just like that i was hurted by you at that time ....
I was also in pain...
But seee
I had written my name on you
Now you are marked by me
Now everyone will knows that you are mine....
Only mine..
Get it????
GET IT?????? ( he shouted)

Yn: ahhhaa... Yess (pain and scared)

He putted the mirror in front of me and made me look in that

Jk: See how beautiful you are looking now with my name....

He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes and said..

Jk: ( very calmly)
You know naa..
I truly loves you
Then why you are making me angry all the time
Why are you making me to do that to you...
I also don't want to hurt you but you should understand baby..
Ok now go and change your clothes..
I'm going to make dinner

By saying that he goes out from the the room and
I started crying on my situation..


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