O2. Temporary Mother

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"Yongsun.. Yongsun, wake up, I'm back and I'm bringing the stuff for the baby"

My sister shakes my body and calls my name to wake me up but I don't feel bothered by what she did, she continues to shook my body more until I woke up yet still, I'm not moving or open up my eyes. My sister leaned close to me, she noticed my swollen eyes and the tears marks on my face, she also could see how close my body is with the baby

"Did she just cry earlier..? Because of the baby?" She wonders

"Yongsun, wake up now.. Wake up"

My sister shakes my body even more, she won't stop until I felt annoyed and woke up, she even tapped my face and she might be slap it if I'm not waking up immediately

But sooner, I get annoyed because of her non-stop gestures and calls. I whined and took away her hand off from me, I rubbed my eyes and started to open them up slowly, I looked up at my sister with an annoyed face but she gives me more of her annoyed face just because I didn't woke up immediately as soon as she wakes me up


"I'm back from the store safely, and I brought the baby stuffs for this baby that you found" She shows me the plastic bag that has some baby stuffs that she just bought
"And you better take care of this baby immediately, because I'm sure they felt uncomfortable.. Especially with the diapers.."

"I.. I don't know how to change diapers.."

"I'll teach you. Now wake up sleepyhead"

My sister tapped my butt two times then she walked to my desk to placed the plastic bag there, she took out the baby stuff out from the plastic bag, and the stuffs is like.. Formula milk, baby bottle, diapers, baby powder, baby wet wipes, and some baby clothes

I wonder which store she's going until she could find those much baby stuffs, and how she can just easily buy the baby clothes without knowing the baby's size.. Also, is formula milk safe for the baby? Because what I know that baby needs breast milk, especially when they're still newborns..
I really have soo many questions since I understand nothing about this as the youngest child in my family..

"Come on, Yongsun, are you will to take care of the baby or not?"

"Sure, sure I will"

I get up into sitting position slowly, I don't want to wake up the baby since they looked really peaceful, since isn't it bad to disturb a baby's rest?

I get off from the bed and approaches my sister who's still standing near my desk. I looked down at the stuffs that she bought.. She didn't buy that much.. Only some necessary things that baby must need

"Unnie, you only buy this much?" I asked as I looked at straight at her face with my questioning expression, I really have soo much to ask

"Yes, why?" She asks back and looked back at me

"No, I'm just.. Asking why you just buy some"

"Well, are you about to keep this keep baby or something?"

My heart immediately sinks as my sister asked that, and I don't understand why I feel this way, like.. My heart immediately aches as she asks me about keeping the baby or not.. It's a hard decision since I'm not even the baby's mom, I just found them, and I can't keep them without signing an adoption papers, or else.. People might thought I was stealing them

"I don't know.. But what if I kept the baby? What would you do?"

"Well, nothing, maybe just wanted you to take care of them"

"You won't help me?"

"Maybe I'm gonna help some.. Not most"

I nodded weakly at my sister's words, this would be a heavy job but if I'm really gonna kept the baby.. Then the baby will be my responsibility and I have to take care of them

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