O4. The Bitter Truth

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Weeks by weeks has been passed by.. And it's already.. A month and a half? Maybe?
That lab technician inform me last time that the results will come for a few weeks.. But it hasn't come yet, she hasn't contacted me about this, and now.. I'm waiting for it

I'm now laying down on my side right beside the baby on my bed while staring at my phone just to wait for a notification to appear. I started to get bored because of this, all I did since before after done taking care of this baby is just.. Staring at my phone screen and do nothing!

I really this impatient to know about the results, because I have to return this baby to her parents ASAP.. She can't stay here forever, and she shouldn't be too comfortable with me, I'm afraid if she's gonna forget her parents' trace especially her mom instead of forgetting my trace.. And that's bad..

I groaned and laid myself on my back, it's exhausting to do nothing, laying down and staring at.. Literal nothing on my phone screen, I don't understand why it takes forever for the results

I put down my phone then sighed heavily. I turned my attention to the baby beside me, she was sleeping soo peacefully, and I can't disturb her just because of my frustration, I know this problem includes her too, and yet, a baby knows nothing, what did she knows about all this?

Slowly I get drowsy while waiting, it's just tiring me up even though I've done nothing.. Well, not exactly nothing. Today isn't the weekend so I had to go to college 'till noon and I'm trusting my sister to take care of this baby until I get back home, then at noon, I get back home and take care of this baby right away

My eyes are getting heavy and they're closing by themselves, yet suddenly my phone let out a notification sounds that caused me to opened my eyes widely. I took my phone and immediately checked on the coming notifications, my sleepiness suddenly gone away

The results of the baby's DNA test is finally here! I'm soo relieved to see that and the lab workers have finally found the perfect match of the baby's DNA, I can't believe the whole month wait is gonna be a worth

And yet, the lab hasn't contacted the birth parents yet, so it might.. Take another more time to wait

"God dammit.."

I groaned and throws my phone anywhere it is, I don't care if it's fell to the floor. I thought everything will be done right away as soon as the results are coming, but dang it, it isn't.. Patience is really needed right now.. But I don't think I have any.. Sadly

Time skip..

Another days.. Has passed after the DNA information, today is the day, where I finally met the baby's parents, because I have to.. I really have to, she has to get back to her parents
No I'm not throwing her away but she's not mine and I don't want people to assume that I'm stealing her.. Because that could be a bigger problem

I'm now preparing everything to go back to that lab to meet her parents, because the lab technician said that I could meet them there. I also prepared the baby's things to bring there, like her doll, and milk.. She's still an infant and I really have to feed her constantly.. Some reason why I'm lacking sleep, and I always get anxious when I leave her with my sister.. Not because I'm not trusting her-

I went out of my house with the baby in that basket again that I carried in my left hand right now, locking the door, making sure I forgot nothing. Now I'm taking a taxi to go there like before, crazy if I'm gonna walk that far, my feet gonna crumble first before I even reached halfway to the lab

Unfortunately.. There's traffics. I can hear some drivers kept honking on the other drivers, they're soo impatient, while we don't know what happened in front of us there.. The loud sounds are annoying me.. Why can't they kept their cool for a while? What's rushing them and telling their guts to honking around as if there's a way suddenly appeared for them

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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