
86 4 0

March, 2008

Declared as a cruel month of the year where heartless people dare to throw away an innocent..

Where the innocent has to live alone by themselves without anyone else guiding and protecting them.. As an infant

Those people aren't look guilty or feel bad with that innocent after they thrown away the innocent. Not even a single burden in their heart bothered their lives, they even felt free and felt proud after the sin that they've done

No home, no shelter, no protection, no warmth, and no love.. The cold breeze of the winter kept attacking that weak innocent's body, they got nothing to protect and defend themselves from the cold winter, the warm cloth started to get cold and the cold is taking away the warmth that embracing their little body

The innocent could do nothing but cry for help, even though it sounds impossible and probably no one can notice the cry..

This might be the end of the innocent's life if no one noticed them. They wondered if today will be the end of their life.. Or maybe, a miracle would come and they would be saved..

Warmth and love, is what the innocent was searching for.. They wanted nothing much more than it

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