Chapter 1

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Ever since Charlie Calvin's dad became Santa, he had been asking to spend a summer with his dad at the North Pole. But, Laura and Neil always said no. They finally agreed when he was fourteen.

Charlie was currently packing a couple bags while waiting for his dad. Scott was coming down to bring him back to the North Pole.

As he was finishing packing, Charlie heard something outside and it was his dad. Thankfully, his little sister, Lucy, was with her grandparents. So, they didn't have to lie to her or make something up about what Scott does. Sooner or later, they were going to have to tell her the truth.

Charlie rushed out of his room with stuff as his mom let his dad in.

"Hey Dad." He greeted.

"Hey Sport." Scott greeted back. "Laura. Neil."

"I'm still not sure of this." Laura said. "Maybe you shouldn't go."

"Mom." Charlie said. "You said I could go."

"He'll be fine, Laura." Scott assured her. "Ready to go, kiddo?"

"I'll put your things in the sled while you say goodbye to your Mom and Neil." Scott said. He grabbed Charlie's stuff and headed outside.

"Bye Mom." Charlie said, hugging her. "Bye Neil."

"Bye Charlie." Neil said.

"Have a good time with your Dad." Laura said, hugging Charlie back.

Charlie headed outside. "Hi Comet." He said, petting the reindeer. Comet greeted Charlie back with a reindeer noise.

Charlie hopped into the sleigh.

"Ready to go, sport?" Scott asked.

Charlie rolled his eyes. "I wish you stop calling me that." He said.

"I can't." Scott said, chuckling. "Let's go, Comet." He flicked the reins and Comet lifted into the air.

Scott and Charlie spent a couple hours flying through air, catching up.

As they got closer to the North Pole, Scott flew into the hole that housed everything in the North Pole.

"Woah!" Charlie said. "It looks different from what I remember."

"It's changed a bit over the years." Scott explained. He directed Comet down towards the stables.

"Thanks for the ride, Comet." Charlie said as he hopped out of the sleigh.

Comet replied by making a noise.

"Eddy, get Comet something to eat and drink." Scott said, handing the reins over to an elf.

Charlie saw Bernard and another elf he didn't recognize, waiting for them.

"Hey Bernard." Charlie greeted.

"Good to see you, Charlie." Bernard said.

"Who's this?" Charlie asked.

"This is Curtis." Bernard replied. "He's a Head Elf in training."

"It's nice to meet you, Curtis." Charlie greeted. "I'm Charlie."

"Nice to meet you, as well." Curtis returned.

"Come on." Scott said. "I'll show you your room." Charlie followed his dad.

His Forever Fairy(A Santa Clause fic & Charlie love story)Where stories live. Discover now