Chapter 15

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A special thanks to @marisollopez1555

Am so sorry for the late update! TBH I have been wanting to write a desi arrange marriage book but I wanted to a little more consistent so I thought I will complete this one first. But as the result I was upset and didn't have the energy to write this one. So am so so so so so sorry about he late update! 

So now I have decided that I will upload the other one soon as well. 

Do forgive me for this!

Happy Reading!


Author's POV:

"She fainted!" Ethan said in horror.

"What?!" all of them shouted in panic.

"She was fine some time ago!" Dante said as he pulled Zoya's limp body from Ethan. "What did you both do?"

"I swear I just tried to calm her down!" Ethan said as fear gripped his heart. What if something happens to his angel? No. He won't let that happen.

"Jaxon?" Dante growled throw gritted teeth.

"Call the doc first," Lucifer said, panic evident in his tone. 

The others nodded in agreement and Dante walked out of the room with the others at his heel. Ethan quickly led him to his and Lily's room. Dante quickly laid Zoya on the bed, while Daniel called, Enzo, their family doctor. He entered the room within a couple of minutes as he was with Magnus before, tending his wounds. 

"What happened?" he asked worriedly.

"She fainted!" Everyone said in panic.

"Who?" Enzo asked in confusion.

"ZOYA!" all of them screamed. Enzo flinched at their loud voice but his eyes widened as he took in the name.

"Zoya?" he asked in a small voice "You mean THE Zoya?"

"Yes Enzo," Jaxon said trying to calm his racing heart "Now check her before we loose our calm and you loose your life."

Enzo gulped and nodded. He quickly changed his gloves because they were covered with blood. He pushed past the men and his heart clenched in worry. He quickly started checking her eyes. 

The other men stood behind him rubbing their palms in anxiety. 

"She is fine," Enzo said with a sigh "She just fainted because of the the exhaustion from crying. She will wake up in a couple of hours, her body needs rest."

Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they had been holding. Ethan led them out and left the door a little open, in case Zoya woke up. They walked down the hallway. 

"Why did she cry?" Enzo voiced everyone's question. All of the heads snapped to Jaxon.  

Jaxon took a deep breath and told them everything. All of their hearts ached at the fact that their angel had thought that they will hate her. 

"We need to talk to her," Ethan said firmly "She overthinks a lot and its not a good thing at her age."

"I agree," Dante said rubbing his temple.

"But why does she overthink this much?" Lucifer asked looking at the others.

Dante, and Jaxon looked at each other, their eyes burning with anger. 

"Her abusive adopters," Jaxon said through gritted teeth.

"They used to threat her by saying that they will hate her and abandon her for every little thing," Dante added in pure rage.

"How can someone be so heartless?" Daniel asked in shock.

"Says one of the most dangerous men in the world," Enzo said, trying to lighten up the mood.

Before anyone could say anything else there was a loud crash. They looked at each other and bolted upstairs. As they entered the room where Zoya was resting they saw her on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Angel what happened?" Ethan asked as he quickly kneeled to her level.

"Papa," she cried out and made grabby hands for him. He instantly pulled her to him and rubbed circle on her back.

"Angel please don't cry," Ethan said slowly "You are already so tired, please don't cry. See you are scaring everyone."

"Papa am trying," she said sobbing harder.

"Moon pie did you fall of the bed?" Jaxon asked softly.

"Yes Jack," she answered knowing that he liked verbal answers.

"Is it hurting too much Angel?" Ethan asked worriedly.

"Its not that bad," she said hiccupping a little.

"Angel why don't you show it to the doctor here?" he asked gently "He will make the wound heal quickly."

"Doctor?" she asked calming down a little.

"Yes see this is the doctor," he said motioning Enzo to come forward "Do you want to see him?"

Zoya nodded and lifted her head to see a smiling Enzo. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Ezzie!" she squealed in delight "I missed you!"

"Aww my princess I missed you too!" Enzo said before taking her from a very surprised Ethan.

Both of them started chatting without a care of the world. Ethan, Lucifer and Daniel were surprised seeing their interaction while Jaxon and Dante sulked. 

"How do they know each other? They seem very close to each other," Ethan asked in a low tone, his heart burning in jealousy.

"Welcome to the group," Dante mumbled through gritted teeth.

"She hasn't even talked to me properly," Daniel growled possessively.

All of a sudden Zoya's face paled.

"Ezzie did you come alone?" she asked, her heart beating faster.

Before he could answer there was a sound of loud footsteps. The men tensed instantly.

"Enzo, my love are you alright?" a man asked and Zoya's breath hitched.


How was the chapters people?


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