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Chassie arrives home and tries to call Ben multiple times to no answer every time. She sits down at her desk and opens her laptop. She looks for more articles on Sean and reads the same thing every time. Solvale crimes go unsolved every day.

Chassie looks up crime in Auradon.

The real reason royals don't care about petty crime in Auradon.

What's up with the rising rates of robbery and theft in Thebes?

Arya Sharpe, 29 stabbed outside the workplace after a robbery gone wrong.

Article after article Chassie scrolls through. Why has she never heard about this problem before? Why is no one talking about it and why aren't cops doing their literal only job? Sean Roberts, Arya Sharpe, Carmen Stein, Omari Andrews. All these people are dead and no one has any answers.

Chassie picks up her phone again and calls Ben. Straight to voicemail.

"Dude, this is serious I need you to call me back," she says and then hangs up.

Fifteen minutes later, she calls again. Twenty minutes after that she calls one more time. An hour later she tries one last time.

Chassie huffs into her phone, "Answer me you pompous dick! We have issues and you're off in mommy and daddy's castle pretending nothing is wrong!"

Chassie drops her phone onto the bed and stands up, making her way to her desk. She rummages through her drawer for the mail she shoved in here two weeks ago. She scans through the envelopes, coming across three that match the names Kyla, Victor, and Angela Roberts.

Chassie sits down in her chair and opens Kyla's letter.

Dear Councilwoman,

This is the sixth week I've sent a letter hoping you'll respond. I'm starting to lose hope.

My son keeps asking for his dad and I don't know what to tell him. He's three years old. I've attached a picture if you'd like to see him.

Chassie looks into the envelope once more, seeing a polaroid of a brown-haired little boy with shining green eyes smiling up at the person taking his picture. She turns back to the letter.

The hospital isn't letting me take any more time off because I've run out of sick and paid time off. I can't keep going to work and watch more people die in front of me. I can't work in the ER anymore, they've moved me to oncology so that I might "see the light in life again. Watch people get better and maybe you will too." Sometimes I want to quit but if there's any chance of me keeping our apartment is if I continue working in the state I'm in or move in with Sean's parents.

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