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Chassie feels lonely most of the time. She doesn't understand why when she is surrounded by her friends, people she loves -- who love her. That doesn't stop the feeling, however, and some days she feels empty, like her life isn't worth living. When she gets that feeling, she goes home.

She stands on the dock, watching sailors and freight workers pile onto the ship, a myriad of people brushing past her like she doesn't exist. With a black hood over her head, Chassie reaches for one of the workers, tapping them on the shoulder. He turns around, looking down at her with a suspicious look.

"I need to get on that ship," she declares.

"You got a permit to travel?" He inquires.

Chassie raises her hand from the blankets of her cloak, extending a couple of hundred dollars toward him. "This good enough?"

The man looks over his shoulder before reaching for the money and stuffing it quickly into his pocket. The man motions her to follow, leading her through the crowds, under the highest ramp that leads to the main deck, to the hull door.

Chassie climbs through a small door, darkness fought by small lanterns hung from the low ceiling. She looks around at the crew, playing cards, relaxing in their hammocks before their journey begins. She follows the man to a small hatch in the floor, leading to the bilge.

"Down you go, princess," the man says, holding an extra lantern for her to take.

She sighs, dark enclosed places have never been her favorite, but the alternative is to be caught by one of the sailors and brought straight to Ben. Chassie jumps down into the lowest part of the ship, taking one last look at the open hatch as it closes on her.

Chassie rubs her tired eyes, trying to breathe through the constrictive leather around her torso. This outfit used to fit, but that was also before she was introduced to extra sweet coffee and pizza. The carbs seem to be sticking to her waistline, not that she minds. Full, luscious curves are something Chassie will never complain about.

The ship begins to move, swaying with the waves. Chassie almost falls over, her hands shooting to the ground to stabilize herself, feeling puddles engulf her skin. Once the ship finally settles out, Chassie looks down at her hands, instead of seeing clear droplets of seawater, her skin is caked in a green liquid.

"The fuck?" Chassie mumbles, wiping her hands on her cloak. That better not be vomit. She scoots away from the puddle and relaxes into the wood behind her.

Leaving her phone in her dorm while smart doesn't give her much to do on the hour trip to the Isle. She left a note for Jane and sent a text to everyone else letting them know she'll be taking a trip into the city to run some errands. They won't ask questions, they never do, knowing full well that she's gonna spend a few hours at Duek's Cafe drawing and eating too many beignets, instead of doing anything productive with her time.

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