Volume 1 Chapter 3: Pigs, Wolves & Grimms?

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He saw she was really scared and was trying to test the waters of their friendship. They've been helping Nick with his Wesen problem these past few weeks together. So they've grown to trust each other in the field. He took a step back and said,"I'm honored you trust me. I'm just glad you aren't trying to kill me." She smiled happily as she stepped inside. "I couldn't possibly want you dead, you are my friend Monroe." She walked towards the couch. He grabbed his chest and his heartbeat began to increase in pace. She took off her jacket only to reveal she was wearing a sleeveless tank top. He saw a bunch of scars on her arms and a few on the back of her neck. She could feel his eyes but shrugged it off. He rushed to the kitchen and grabbed two beers from the fridge.

He sat down on the other side of the couch and held out her beer. She grabbed it as she clung to her jacket tightly. "So what happened? If you don't mind telling me?" She looked over at him hesitantly. "An ex of mine who turned out being a Zauberbiest. He tried to kill me two months after I first found out that I was a Grimm. He's the police captain of the Portland Oregon police department. And he's a royal." Monroe's eyes almost popped out of his skull. "For real? Nick's Captain is a royal and a Zauberbiest?" She nodded her head. "He's trying to kill my aunt and is using my brother to accomplish something. But until I find out his true intentions. I can't tell my brother. He's already so green at this thing. Another reason why I came here is because one of my coworkers is on his payroll. I just don't know who yet." She clung to her jacket. "I don't feel safe anymore. I'm really sorry for coming here. I might just get you…" He stood up and shook his head. "I may be reformed Blutbaden but that doesn't mean I'm not strong. You helped me out a few times these past weeks and we are friends. So I won't allow you to leave unless I know you are going to be okay." She sat back down and began to cry. "Thanks, Monroe." He smiled kindly. "No problem."

1 week later:

Zella parked across the street from Monroe's place and saw another motorcycle and her brother's vehicle was parked there. She rushed towards the front door. She knocked on the door,"Monroe! Are you alright!?" Nick opened the door and she looked inside to see Hap and Angelina. She pushed past her brother and ran up and hugged Monroe. He hugged her back. "Thank goodness you are alright, I heard what happened." "What the fuck is happening!? Don't tell me you are friends with two Grimms!?" Angelina exclaimed, visibly distressed. Monroe stood in front of Zella unlike the last time they all were in one room. "Brother are you alright?" Nick looked pretty beat up. "I'll live." "Their siblings!? We should be having dinner, why are you protecting this bitch!?" Zella just ignored her. "Monroe? Nick? I have an idea of who's doing this to your friends. My buddy from work who I know I can trust. Which I'll tell you about later." She said looking up at Monroe. "He checked out the scene and we have come to the conclusion that the culprit is a pig." Monroe, Hap, and Angelina all Woged with bloodlust. Nick reached for his gun but his sister ripped it out of his hands. "Stop acting so drastic, idiot. Remind me to teach you how to fight without a gun." She looked at Monroe. He looked at Angelina and Hap before looking back at Zella. "I know where he lives but I'm not going to tell you. At least not until you get in your thick skull, that me and Nick aren't your enemy." She looked at Angelina. "I'm Monroe's friend and Nick is my brother. But we don't believe in our family's rules nor do we condone our kind's past actions. My brother can't be here to hear who it is or where he resides. Knowing him he might try to stop us. If I tell you, I'm coming with. That's my terms." Angelina snarled but then huffed in agreement. "Fine! But as long as I get to kill him. I don't care what you do with him first." Zella sighed softly. She turned around and clocked her brother in the face. They all looked at her surprised. "Monroe, can you look after my brother and Hap? Leave the Pig to us, girls." He grabbed her shoulders, looking worried. "I promise to come back alive." She smiled and then she left the house. Angelina snarled at the sight of Nick and stormed out of the house. Zella popped her head in,"Don't open the door to anyone unless it's us." She shut the door and walked towards her motorcycle. Angelina saw her bike and couldn't help but smirk,"You have nice tastes in transportation for a Grimm." "You really didn't need to say the last part so loud." They both got on their bikes. "Follow me, I don't trust you to not kill me and go after him alone. I have to speak with the Pig before you kill him." "I got it. You are helping out my brother and Monroe seems to care about you. So I'll try and play nice." "Awesome."

Zella walked towards the Pig's house and turned around to face Angelina. "The real reason why I'm here is because no Pig gets away with killing one of our kind." Angelina Woged at the sight of Zella transforming into a BlutBad.

(Half Blutbaden)
Scarlet eyes with black sclera, black wolf shaped pupils. Pointed ears, jagged teeth, sharp facial features, bigger muscles, and slightly more hair than normal.

Zella: "That's right, I'm only half Grimm and BlutBad. I used my abilities to hunt down this pig to get revenge on our kind. Whenever you attacked me back then, I knew I was half Blutboden but not half Grimm. I'm really sorry for scaring you back then…" She rubbed the back of her neck. Angelina sniffed the air. "You have wolfsbane perfume, that's why I couldn't tell?" "Bingo." Angelina loosened up and held out her hand. "I'm sorry for being such a bitch. I realized now that back then you could have easily killed me. You held back on purpose." She gave her a half smile as she grabbed her hand. They shook on making peace with the past. "If you like Monroe, you can have him. He seems happier with you anyways." Zella heard a gun cocking. She lunged forward and tackled Angelina to the ground. A buck shotgun went off. Shrapnel went flying inches away from hitting Zella's body.

Zella rolled off Angelina and they both snarled at the sight of the Pig between the holes of the door. They both ran towards the back of the house. They howled loudly as the Pig ran up the stairs feeling panicked. Zella climbed up to the top floor while Angelina broke into the backdoor and followed the scent up the stairs. The pig cop barricaded his bedroom door and held out his shotgun shaking violently in fear. But then suddenly he was grabbed from behind. He looked back over his shoulder to see glowing scarlet eyes. "You really are foolish, LT. Orson." She kicked him to the ground and she landed gracefully on the glass. She walked over and kicked the shotgun away from his reach. "You really should have stayed in your line." She stepped on his hand until they both heard a crunch sound. He squealed in pain. She walked over and picked up the desk and threw it at the ground next to him. He flinched in fear. Angelina kicked the door off it's hinges and saw that the pig was on the ground trying to crawl towards the shotgun. She stepped on his other good hand and crushed it mercilessly. Zella crouched down and dropped her Woge. She grinned widely as he locked eyes with another Grimm other than Nick. "Unfortunately for you, I'm both your enemy and Ally. What are you going to say now? Do you hate me or want me to help you? I'm sorry pig but all I see is a tasty snack in front of me." She licked her lips slightly drooling. "But unfortunately for me. I have a job to keep so I can't afford to get tied here. So she'll have the honor to devour you." She walked towards the broken window but before she left she grabbed a shard of glass with her glove covered hands. She stabbed it into his spine and made sure that he couldn't wall or run away. "Now he won't be able to fight back, now that his spine is severed. Enjoy yourself, Angelina. Maybe we should hangout sometime, just us girls?" She dove out of the window and rolled forward to break her fall. She Woged to toughen up her bones. Zella walked to her motorcycle only to hear a happy and grateful howl.

Zella walked towards Monroe's house and saw her brother's vehicle was still there. She knocked on the door and said,"Nick? Monroe? It's me Zella!" Monroe opened the door only to see she was a little cut up. Before he could ask what happened. "I may have dove through another window." He took a step to the side to let her inside. "Wow, my bro's still out? I might have accidentally hit him a little too hard. Whoops. Monroe, do you have a medkit?" "Yeah, I'll go get it." "Thanks." She waved at Hap. He waved back. "Your sister is fine. She's getting revenge on your brother. And she'll explain everything else later." She checked her brother's pulse and it was steady. She walked into the kitchen and sat down. Monroe set down the medical box and started to treat her minor wounds.

Zella eventually dropped off her brother to his house and went to Malek's place to come clean about something. But there wasn't just one car but quite a few. She rushed up to his front door and knocked pretty broadly. But it wasn't him that answered the door. It was Robert, her other coworker. A deep voice coming from inside,"Who is it, Rob!?" "You need to go before you get hurt, Zel." He muttered softly. "It's nobody!" Zella looked at Robert confidently as she Woged. "I need to talk to you and Malek." He stumbled backwards breathing heavily as shock grabbed ahold his heart. Malek rushed towards only to see Zella stop Woging. He looked at her beyond shocked and confused.

To be continued…

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