Volume 1 Chapter 4: Laufer, Verrat & Missing Children?

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Zella looked at Robert confidently as she Woged. "I need to talk to you and Malek." He stumbled backwards breathing heavily as shock grabbed ahold his heart. Malek rushed towards only to see Zella stop Woging. He looked at her beyond shocked and confused. She stepped inside and walked past them only to see new and familiar faces. "So this is what you do on your free time." She laughed. "Well it looks like I've figured out who in our friend group is on the royals payroll. What a relief to hear you two aren't the bad guys. I was going to hate having to kill you of you were." She looked around the room and then pointed at the only human in the room. "Your the leader here, right?" He stiffened up and everyone but him Woged. But they all panicked and muttered,"Grimm." "Yep, I'm a Grimm. But that's not all I am." She Woged. "The only reason why I hid my Wesen form was because. The other half of my family is a bunch of Grimms. My father killed my mom and her entire family, after he found out. But he just couldn't bring himself to killing me. So when he died, I was relieved to say the least. To Wesen a Grimm is their worst enemy and vice versa the other way around. I didn't think I would inherit the Grimm side and thought I would just be half human. But I was wrong." She cracked her neck. "I really appreciate you not killing me, Malek. Or at least trying to kill me." She leaned back up against the wall casually. "I've been doing some research and I've figured out who in our department is part of the Verrat or Laufer. And while I have your attention. I'm interested in aligning myself with your organization. So relax a little. If I wanted you dead. You would have been dead months ago." They all sat back down. She yawned softly. "Are you alright, Zel?" Robert said as he pointed at her bandages and stitches. "I dove through a window, again. So not really. It was from a high height too. Luckily I have Blutbaden blood in me or I would be dead." Malek pulled up a chair for her to sit in. She sat down and they all sat down across from her on couches and chairs. "Oh right, how rude of me. My Wesen's name is Zella Marx. But my Grimm name is Ashley Burkhardt. My mom was part of your grand organization. That's why I know about it and the royals." The Human leader in the room stood up and walked towards her with a card in hand. It was a business card from the looks of it. "Martin Meisner is my name. And you are right about me being the leader of this group in Oregon. Are you serious about joining our side?" She grabbed his card and saw his number, name, and where he works. She looked up at him dead serious. "My mom left me a box of things. All of that was destroyed by my father except for a photo." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a photo with one of the old leaders of the organization. "You all aren't glaring at me with hate anymore. My Wesen's last name is famous for doing great things. I may be half Grimm but that doesn't mean anything. I'm my own person. I'm going to keep the balance between the human and Wesen world no matter if you accept me or not. But you should accept me because. I know more about the enemy than you know. Like how you have moles from the other side in your organization and this room." She stood up and glanced over at the tiger. He reached into his coat to pull out a gun. She threw the card into his left eye. He hesitated just enough for Robert and someone else tackled him to the ground. "Blutbad tends to want to stay by themselves but as a Grimm. I crave to make a difference. So if you accept me into your organization, underneath your watchful eye. I'll gladly point out all your moles and tell you about the Grimm key I hold close." She smirked smugly at all of their surprised reactions.

3 months later:

Zella finally got the nerve to confront Monroe. She knocked on his door and he peeked his head out. "Hey there, Zella? Quick question: do you like Christmas?" She tilted her head to the side. "That's a weird question but yeah I do. In fact I love Christmas and Halloween. They are my two favorite holidays." His eyes sparkled with happiness. He let her inside only to see her eyes go wide. But then suddenly she saw flashes of light and heard,"Honey, be sure to never show your Wesen side off to anyone. They might…" She clenched her right hand into a fist. "Hey are you alright?" She looked over at him by his train track. She relaxed as she looked at very handsome face. "Yeah, sorry for spacing out. My mom died around Christmas time. I like the holiday but it also brings back bad memories." Her eyes filled with melancholy as her heart slightly cracked. "So why did you stop by, do you need my help with something? Or did you just want to hangout?" She totally forgot for a split second of why she's really here. She wasn't sure how to tell him. She was scared. And just as she went to say something they both heard the doorbell ring and said in unison. "Nick."  They both groaned afterwards. "Hey Monroe, do you have any eggnog?" "Yeah, I made it from scratch. You want some?" "That'd be lovely, I'll get the door." She opened it up to reveal her brother as suspected. "Let me guess, you need Monroe's help?" "Yeah, why are you here?" She tensed up. "I'm just here to hangout with him. My work friends are busy. And unlike you I don't just come here for help." He looked at her a little irritated but that's because she was right. They both walked towards the kitchen and Zella retrieved her glass of eggnog Monroe got for her. Nick talked about finding a missing little girl. Monroe went to refuse but Nick guilt tripped him. Zella set down her empty glass and held up her left hand,"If you need extra help, I can take time off tomorrow to help. A few of my coworkers owe me favors, so I should be good." "Your help would be great." "Anything for you, big bro." "I'll see you two tomorrow." He left quickly. Leaving Monroe alone with Zella again. "Thanks for offering." "I can't just leave you alone with my impatient brother in the woods. That sounds like torture." She smiled and he chuckled softly before drinking some eggnog. "So what did you come here for, Zella?" She smiled at his question with her eyes closed. "No reason in particular. I just missed hanging out with you." He blushed lightly as he smiled back. "Well if you want I could show you around my house. And tell you the lore of everything I have." "Sure, why not. I love lore and history." He sprung up on his feet as he grabbed her hand enthusiastically as he led her over to the trains. Only to get flustered by his own actions.

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