Chapter 1

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It was December 15th and snow fell, wind blew, as Gotham shut down schools and businesses early. Barbara shook as she waited outside the school in the cold for her father to pick her up. She shivered as wind touched her face, blowing in more snow onto her coat.

"Babs!" A voice called out, as she heard footsteps running towards her.

She turned and smiled to see Dick running over towards her. She then frowmed when she noticed he hadn't been wearing anything warm at all.

"Oh my god, Dick! You're gonna catch yourself a cold if you don't put something warm on! It's fucking freezing out here!" She would tell him.

"Relax, Barbara, Alfred will come by to get me soon, and you know damn well he won't let that pass seeing I don't have my jacket on" he chuckled.

"Then put it on, dork!" Barbara huffed, playfully nudging him on his side with her elbow. "And, I almost forgot, dad wants to know if you're still coming over today for the night" she then said, smiling.

"Oh! Uh, no, Wally asked me earlier if I'd hang out with him later today, I told him about plans with you but I said I'd go with him since I only really see him whenever I'm at the cave" Dick said, rubbing his arm sheepishly.

Barbara frowned, looking away. "Oh, ok then, maybe some other time" she said.

A honking then sounded in the parking area, Barbara and Dick both turning to see Jim as he looked out of his car window.

"Barbara! Let's go! And Dick, put some winter clothes on, boy, before I tell Bruce you took it off!" He called out.

Dick blushed, smiling sheepishly towards the commissioner. "Yes, sir! Drive safe!" He called back as Barbara walked away and into the car.

Jim waved before rolling his window back up and driving off. He then looked over at Barbara, who seemed embarrassed.

"I love that kid! Bruce chose a good one! I'm surprised the two of you aren't a thing just yet" Jim chuckled.

"Please just drive, dad" Barbara sighed, not even bothering to look at him.

Dick then felt a tapping on his shoulder, causing him to jump and turn to see who it was. He smiled, a small blush coming to his cheeks.

"Hey, Artemis! What's up?" He wondered, as she usually didn't bother wanting to talk to him at all.

"Hey, Dick, I was curious if you wanted to do something this afternoon? I was gonna go to a Christmas party if you wanted to come with me" she said, smiling at him.

"Oh, I'd love to! But, geez, sorry I can't. I told Wal-uh-erm-I mean, I told Barbara I'd spend some time with her" he said, sweat pouring down his neck as he tried to keep his ID secure. He rubbed his neck, laughing sheepishly.

Artemis gave him a questioning look before shrugging and smiling again. "Well, ok then, see you around then! I'll just ask my friend, he goes to a different school but I don't think he has any plans" she said, turning for a second.

She then turned back when no response came to her to see the boy was now gone. She frowmed and looked around, now seeing a black car driving off, Dick waving at her from the passenger seat window.

Artemis sighed and narrowed her eyes. "He really reminds me of someone" she said to herself.


Artemis slumped lazily down on the couch inside the main room of the cave, taking off her winter coat as heat flowed throughout the cave.

Megan then came floating out from the kitchen with a fresh batch of Christmas cookies, smiling once she saw Artemis.

"Hey, Artemis! Me and Conner made cookies today! Want one?" She offered.

Artemis smiled and picked up a good-looking Christmas tree shaped cookie. "Thanks, Miss M" she said.

Megan nodded, now floating back into the kitchen, Conner walking out and taking a seat on one of the chairs.

Artemis then sighed as she began to receive a call from Barbara. She smiled as she answered it, Wally and Robin joining them in the room as she did so.

"But, Barbara, aren't you and Dick hanging out this afternoon?" Artemis then would go on with her conversation on the phone.

Robin then froze, him and Wally both sharing a look. He let out a choking cough as they then hurried into the kitchen, where Megan was.

"He told me he was hanging out with you" Artemis continued.

Wally and Robin both watched as she talked with Barbara.

"Way to come up with an excuse, dude!" Wally would whisper towards him.

"Shut up, I couldn't think of anything!" Robin whispered back.

"May I ask what you two are talking about?" Megan wondered as she put another set of cookies into the oven.

Ignoring her, Wally snatched one of her already made cookies.

Megan shrugged it off and smiled, offering them the batch of cookies as they both grabbed more.

Artemis soon hung up the phone and got up from her seat, now making her way to the kitchen towards them.

"Will you two stop acting so strange for once? Anyway, I'm leaving now for this Christmas party that I'm going with a friend" she said, zipping up her jacket.

"Yeah, yeah, cool! Me and Rob are gonna go to my house!" Wally then said, zipping off with the rest of Megan's cookies, Robin shortly following behind.

"Well, I hope you have fun!" Megan giggled.

Artemis shrugged, smiling before she soon left.

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