✨💖 Kiss It (Me) Better 💖✨

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Main Tags: Fluff, light season 5 spoilers, drabble, HardOfHearing!Bakugou.

Requested by: Nobody...but I would say it's dedicated to alythekitten on Tumblr!

Relationships and Characters: Kirishima  Eijirou / Bakugou Katsuki.

AU(s): Cannon Compliance.

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"Shut up, Shitty Hair," Katsuki groans with an eye-roll. "It's just a stupid scar from that shitty villain."

"But it looks so manly! My boyfriend truly is a tough guy, surviving all that," Eijirou beams, chest swelling with pride.

Katsuki sucks his teeth and dumps his bag at Eijirou's desk. He tosses his shoes to the front door, ignoring the thump they make as they smack the baseboard. "Whatever. Are we doing this or not?"

"Hell yeah! I love myself a good ol' study date. When was the last time we even did this stuff anyway?" Eijirou asks, sliding off his bed and plopping onto the floor. Working through his own bookbag, he pulls out a black notebook.

Katsuki hums in thought. "How the fuck should I know? We've been so busy that it's hard to fucking remember which month it is."

Eijirou throws his head back and barks out a laugh. "Fair enough, bro."

As they work through their comfortable silence, it's hard for Katsuki to imagine his life with his new injury. His arm being almost crushed to sawdust is by far worse than the constant ringing in his ears. At least with hearing aids, Katsuki can fix that problem then and there. However, even with physical therapy, he still struggles to move his arm with the new muscles the doctors have woven for him. It infuriates him that he can't be the hero he planned to be with each "setback," as others call it.

But he shouldn't complain. At least he still has his eyesight.

Or at least that's what the doctors and his parents say.

"Katsuki, you good, man?"

He snaps his head to the right, and a hand comes up to cup the scarred cheek. "What?"

Eijirou nibbles at his lower lip to bite back his sheepish smile. "Well, you sorta just started staring at the paper and dropped your pencil."

Before Katsuki can pull away to grab it, Eijirou places it on the pile of sprawled books. After he makes sure the pencil doesn't roll away, he holds Katsuki's face with both hands instead of one. A warm smile tugs at the corner of Eijirou's lips, the edges of his eyes crinkle, and his puckering scar twists to accommodate the movement. "Is it about your scar? Do you want to talk about it?"

Katsuki's own lips curve into a hint of a frown. "No, I don't."

"Not even a little?"

"What part of no don't you understand, Hair For Brains? The nngh or the ooh?"

Eijirou laughs again, sending Katsuki's stomach into somersaults. His frown melts, and his lips betray him, barely tipping up into a grin. The tension around his shoulders and in his jaw thaw. Each breath grows more full, welcoming the scent of Eijirou's cologne. This oblivious boy before him has no clue of what magic he holds over Katsuki.

His giggles are abruptly cut off with a vague gasp when Katsuki pulls him onto his lap. "What did I do to deserve you?" he asks, pressing his forehead against Eijirou's. Katsuki closes his eyes, allowing himself to savor the warmth that doesn't radiate from his quirk for once.

Eijirou hums in playful thought as he leans in to place a peck on Katsuki's lips. The action causes him to go rigid, but he's quick to soften when sweet words greet his ears, followed by more kisses.

"I'm not sure, 'Suki. But I can say that I'm honored to be the one you wish to spend your weekends with. I'm honored to be the one to bandage you up, and you, me. I'm honored to have your shoulder to cry on, knowing you can use my shirt for a tissue, too. Knowing that I am wanted by someone as independent as you really energizes me in ways I can't even begin to describe, Kats. Maybe the Universe made a mistake, and I'm ecstatic if they did. But know that if they ever try to correct themselves, I'll fight until my bones ache and scream until my voice turns bloody, only to keep you with me a moment longer."

He doesn't know what to say. A mere 'you did enough' would suffice, but knowing Eijirou and how he wears his heart on his sleeve, Katsuki should have known better.

Instead, Katsuki tangles his finger through Eijirou's spikes, earning a cry of protest, quickly silenced in a deep kiss. "You're an idiot, you know that?" he asks before crushing his lips against the precious boy he would scrap tooth and nail for. "You're such an idiot—my idiot. I'd blast my head off my fucking body before doing anything to make you upset, ya hear? I'll ignite every damn inch of me if that means I'll put a smile on your face. Your stupid shark teeth and shitty hair color will forever be burned in my memory, and I hope you know that it's what I'll look for by whatever chance in hell that we are separated. Do you understand, motherfucker?"

Eijirou wraps around Katsuki and buries his face in the crook of his neck. "Good to know we're on the same page here!"

They sit like that for a moment that stretches on into timeless oblivion. The only sound is their content sighs and occasional 'love you' flittering through the air.

That is until Katsuki feels a tickle against his neck.

"What the hell are you doing, Eiji?" Katsuki asks as he slows the speed of his hand that draws intricate patterns along Eijirou's back.

A grin is felt against Katsuki's jaw, and he groans at Eijirou's answer.

"I don't think I ever kissed you better, so I'm doing it now!"

"You sap," Katsuki grumbles as Eijirou holds his face in one hand again.

He grins while tilting Katsuki's complexion in search of a better angle. "Oh, don't pretend you don't like it."

Katsuki can practically see the hearts form around them when Eijirou kisses his cheek.

And he doesn't mind it.

Not one bit.

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Word count: 970.

Hello, hello!! I was planning to release some of the requests y'all have made at some point in January, but I thought why not get started now with a little drabble? This was actually inspired by alythekitten's art on Tumblr and I absolutely adore it! Please try to take the time to take a look at it when you can, you won't regret it!

I sorta thought I might as well put this drabble up so you can have a taste as to what my writing style is and how I present the characters in case you're new to my writing! Good idea or no?

Please let me know if there are any mistakes! Make sure to eat your sleep, drink your food, and catch some water.

I'll see you in the next chapter! <3

🌻 🌻 🌻

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