Chapter 18 - Hashira Meeting

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A/N: 🕺🏼


A worried expression took over Y/N's features as she saw Nezuko stare at them. A scoff could be heard from below her, the man she was pinning onto the ground looking up at her with a cocky smirk.

„Even If you hold me down, she'll still attack us. You're bleeding as well."

Y/N frowned at him, loosening her grip on his wrists and slowly turning towards Nezuko, ripping some fabric of her skirt to bandage the wound. The fabric was soaked through in a matter of seconds, the red liquid still trickling down her thigh. A pained wheeze could be heard from the garden as Obanai pushed his elbow into Tanjiro's back, keeping him from standing up. Y/N's head whipped around as Tanjiro spoke up.

„I'm okay.. Focus on Nezuko!"

The Adeptus glared at Obanai, promising herself to deal with him later. She let out a breath, looking at Sanemi, who was standing up, to make sure he wasn't attacking Nezuko. The young girls eyes where still wide, pupils turned into slits as her eyes focused on the wound on Y/N's thigh, drool seeping out from below her bamboo muzzle.

„Nezuko.. You got this. We believe in you. Both me and Tanjiro. We're always with you."

In that moment, a memory started playing in Nezuko's head. Images of her childhood, her family and the voice of the man that had trained Tanjiro, Sakonji Urokodaki. And there was something else. Another, more feminine voice. Softer than Urokodaki's. It's tone was gentle, like a warm embrace.

„Nezuko.. I don't know if you can hear me. You're asleep right now.. but if you can, please know that I will do anything in my might might to protect you and your brother. I will do anything to prove you are not a danger to humanity."

The memory ended, Nezuko's eyes still wide. Humanity. She was supposed to protect and defend them. She wasn't allowed to hurt them. Y/N's golden eyes where locked with her own. Just then, another voice could be heard. It was Tanjiro's.


That alone gave her enough strength to tear her gaze from Y/N's wound. The demon averted her eyes, breath heavy. Even tho the blood on Y/N's thigh smelled absolutely heavenly, she couldn't allow herself to hurt someone so precious to her.
The older woman's lips turned into a small, gentle smile as she walked up to Nezuko, opening her arms. The demon let her pull her in, Y/N's hand brushing through her long hair in a comforting manner. Tanjiro let out a heavy breath as Obanai's elbow left his back, the man's wrist pulled up by Giyuu. The maroon haired boy immediately jumped up and ran towards his sisters, joining their embrace before pulling back shortly after. Y/N looked at the Hashira, her eyes swirling with emotion varying from rage and distress to gratitude. Later obviously went to Giyuu.

„What just happened here?"

The master of the Hashira. One of his daughters answered him.

„The demon girl averted her gaze, even tho there was a wound right in front of her. Shinazugawa stabbed her before, and Y/N disarmed him in response to his actions. During this, Shinazugawa managed to cut her thigh. Still, she held out and didn't attack them."

Y/N, who was now standing in front of Tanjiro and Nezuko, nodded.

„Nezuko even hugged me just now. And my thigh is still bloody."

Ubuyashiki let out a hum of approval.

„Then it's proven. Nezuko has no interest in attacking humans."

Y/N's lips pressed into a thin line. She wasn't human, that was the thing. As far as she knew, her blood was way tastier for demons than average human blood. She patted Nezuko's head and the turned towards the other pillars.

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