25.I still hate you

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Author's pov:

5 years later:

Jungkook dropped the empty glass
after gulping down his whiskey
and stared at the ceiling

“Do i really have to go?"
Jungkook asked his manager

“yes sir,you applied for divorce five years ago and there was clearly no response from your wife

But you have to legally make sure
that you two are separated because of the scandal going on.

And the partners will not invest in this big new project because there is no legal evidence of you two getting divorced and they are questioning that what if your wife will come and claim something of the company

So the divorce should be legally
registered or you have to mention your wife's name in the legal papers"The manager said

Jungkook slicked his hair back closing his eyes

A small sigh left Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook doesn't even want to look at him,because he is not ready to face the reality of true pain

The true pain which will pierce into his heart once he makes eye contact with him and his mind will make him even try to get closer to him

and he doesn't want that because he still can't take how the one he loved and trusted with all of his heart,put on a fake act Just to
hurt him

Jungkook will get a panic attack whenever he thinks about how everything Taehyung did was so fake

So It's better to be away from him than to face the painful truth.

Even though Jungkook mind decided to hate taehyung,as days and years passed he is quite convinced now that he hates taehyung more than anything

Jungkook busied himself with the work and did stress workouts till he gets so tired,to get some sleep
at night.

Jungkook has really changed

Changed to even colder and silent one

No words shared to anyone and will end a conversation with just a word,

Or it is not like he has someone to share about anything

And it's always his own self which gave Jungkook a company

And he knows it's going to be like this till his death

So it's better to be alone rather than getting hurt, that's what he is chanting to himself

And also he knows that Taehyung must have already forgot him and went back to living his luxury princess life.

Jungkook is going back to India just to get divorced from Taehyung,not wanting to be relate to him even in names.


Jungkook went back to India

According to his plan, the very first thing  he did was,
contacting his lawyer and made sure that every document is prepared properly.

Once he gets divorced legally,
he will go back to Korea in the next
flight itself

these are his plans,he doesn't even want to spend a minute unnecessarily.

Jungkook is driving towards the lawyer's office to meet him in person toove things quite quick.

He slowed down his car in the signal and that's when he saw a
man is running with a small kid crying in his arms and
few people are running behind them

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