Chapter 20: The Blue Called Resolution

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Hermione listened patiently, watching Harry's gaze as it remained locked directly ahead, not flickering, not moving at all.

More and more his eyes did not move to track movement, more and more his head no longer turned towards her own. But she knew he saw her, just as she knew he saw nearly everything around him.

At that very moment she could swear she felt his energy casting about him like a curious dog sniffing the wind and what way it might turn.

But for all his sight, he would never be able to grasp the nuances of facial expressions. He might be able to describe the way a heart beat faster in emotion, but he could only guess whether that emotion was fear, or excitement, or joy. He might be able to Look and see a smile, but he would never notice the way a person's eyes gave away the truth of it.

Right now, as he explained what the Minister was offering, and at what cost, he was desperate to know how she was taking it. She could see the tension in his face.

Hermione reached out and took one of his hands, running her fingers across its surface, linking them together with a squeeze as he spoke.

"I think we should do it. I should do it. I think this might present the opportunity we need when we attempt to enter the muggle markets with new inventions. If we are to successfully present hybrid magical-mundane tech we will need to go around certain obstacles. Most of the mundane world won't know it's magic, and the magical world will assume it's as fantastical as any other muggle technology. But someone, somewhere, will figure it out. In the medical field alone, if we tried to present a potion in pill form, certain officials will have to be spelled to pass..."

"I understand, Harry." Hermione interrupted his rushed words. "I figured we might have to get creative to pass drug trials. The results will be honest, and so is the science. But we'll be using plants and animal parts that no one on that side of things know exists."

His shoulders slumped in relief. "Then you agree?"

Hermione raised her chin. "Not just because of that. I'd also rather have the Ministry courting you than trying to contain you. If they figure you are working for them to capture dark wizards, they won't be so worried you are going to be the next dark lord."

Harry's face twisted. "I hadn't considered that angle."

Hermione grinned, standing to pull him to his feet as well, moving in to wrap her arms around him.

"You are more intimidating than you realise. And if the Ministry ever does figure out the extent of your ability with death and resurrection, having a good history with them will improve the fallout. Better make an ally now than an enemy later."

Harry hesitated a second, before pressing his cheek down against hers, his voice low in her ear.

"It's still bribery. Government really shouldn't work that way. I thought you would be angry."

She let out a long breath. "I am angry, because it's not fair to all the normal citizens who try to do things the legal way. But if I got angry at everything that's not fair in the world, no one would want to be around me. I'll work to change what I can, and improve others. Who knows?" She leaned back, smiled up into green eyes that did not meet her own. "Maybe you can be Minister in a few dozen years and fix them, too."

Harry laughed. "I think I'll be too busy for a very, very long time to ever attempt that. And honestly, I don't care enough. If anyone should try it, it will be you. I'll be your under-secretary."

His voice was suggestive at the last, his smile disappearing from sight as he leaned down to kiss her, missing her mouth to land on her right cheek.

He corrected his mistake lazily, nuzzling into her skin as much like a cat as a lover.

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