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•••𝚂𝚝. 𝙻𝚘𝚞𝚒𝚜•••

𝙺𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚜 | 𝟸𝟹𝙰𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚕

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𝙺𝚊𝚖𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚜 | 𝟸𝟹

"Wassup witchu foo?" Saint questioned "Shit i'm chillin. You ite?"

"Yea I'm straight."

"Melvin didn't I just say get inna shower?!" His baby mother fussed in the background making Saint laugh. "Foo you see i'm onna phone. Gone somewhere na fa I get pissed off."

"Remember you need me, ion need you. I gotta work n i'm tryna help you before I go. So like the fuck I said get yo lazy ass up."

"Bro do you girl be naggin' n shit too?"

"Hell yea but she da only one det put up wit my shit so ion be too mad."

"Imma have to hit you back later cs i'm finna buss ha inna head."

"Ite" Saint responded then hung up.

"AHHH!" Major screamed running in the room as Ghost chased him. He quickly climbed up on the bed while Saint died laughing.

Halo lifted her head up and looked at both of them in confusion.

"Stop Ghost!" Saint demanded after he stopped laughing. "Go get in yo cage foo." He pointed at the door.

"It's ite Major, he gone."

"What det dog doin' to my baby Kamarion?"

"Nigga iono he just came in hea. He prolly was fuckin' wit him. Carry yo ass back to sleep."

"I already said he can't be around him by hisself tho so why you not watchin' them?"

"Why you not? I'm da one shot, shit." He rolled his eyes. "A fuckin' faggot."

"Chill out. Ghost not gone do nun to him, they good."

"Major just a baby n he get curious so ion trust it. If yo dog bite my baby imma shoot his ass."

"Bad doggy!" Major spoke while getting under Halo. "No, bad Major, stop fuckin' wit him n he wouldn't chase you."

"So you just gone blame him?"

"Bae you just said he get curious. I know my dog n I know he not finna just chase nobody unless they fuckin' wit him first."

"Okay well Major leave the doggy alone, okay? We don't want you to get hurt."

"Yes ma'am" He responded catching them off guard. "Least they taught his ass some manners."

"On god i'm shocked as fuck right now. You needa take some notes from him."

"Yeen my mama."

"Hoe ian tryna be yo mama. If I was your mother- if I was YOUR mother, don't... talk about my mother." He cut her off.

"Okay Stunna girlie." She laughed "You got me onnat shit man." He shook his head.

"No I do not. Every time I watch it you act like youn want to but I be seein' you tuned in."

"I might do a lil peek." He shrugged "But you quoted a whole sentence from it? Okay"

"Det shit be on tiktok, chill on me."
"Whatever, you wanna take a nap?"

"I want nana."

"Aww" Saint spoke sarcastically. "Kamarion stop it. You can see her another time."

"Dis exactly what they wanted, fa him to ask fa them n not een know you. They some fucked up individuals. Major fuck yo granny yeen gone neva see ha again."

"Why would you tell him det?!" She asked hitting Saint on his arm. "Cs what good lyin' gone do fa him? Just tell em da truth foo."

"It's gone be okay Major." Halo spoke comforting him as he cried loudly. "Kamarion you so fuckin' mean dawg."

"I'm just keepin' it a buck wit em. Look at em, at least he goin' to sleep."

"Don't talk to us fa da rest of da day."

"Sure won't."


While Maci and Major played together at the playground Saint walked Ghost. He wasn't too far away from them because he didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Kam!" Halo yelled "Huh?"

"Where the kids?"
"Over there" He pointed to them on the slide.

"Oh okay." She nodded walking towards them.

Saint got a call from his dad but he didn't know whether he should answer or not. His dad knew what happened and hadn't checked on him or anything.

"Wassup foo?" He asked knowing his dad didn't like when he addressed him that way. "We being disrespectful na?"

"Don't call my phone onnat shit when you been a absent father."

"Dets my bad but don't address me like i'm yo fuckin' friend cs i'm not. Is you straight, you need sum?"

"Nah ion need shit from you. I'm a grown ass man na yeen finna keep poppin' in n outta my life. Yo priorities all fucked up."

"So when you need sum don't ask me fa shit. Ian gettin' yo dumb ass outta nun else!"

"Fuck off my phone wit det shit." Saint spoke hanging up in his face. After Ghost was finished he went over to the playground and sat on a bench.

"They not tired?" He asked "Nah, you tired?"

"I'm tired as fuck."

"I think you got asthma cs you always breathin' so heavy n yeen did shit."

"Det shit fa kids imma grown ass man."
"Okay" She shrugged

Halo sat on his lap the Ghost started growling at her so she bucked at him causing him to jump.

"Ain't nobody sacred a boy you betta leave me da fuck alon, dis my man!" Halo spoke mushing him. "Ite when he bite yo ass ion wanna hear shit."

"When it come to dis funky ass dog you gone defend him down."

"You knew det tho."

"Her hit me!" Major spoke running towards them holding his cheek. "Maci what be wrong witchu foo? Keep yo hands to yo self."

"Oww!" She yelled after Saint popped her. "Muhfucka don't hit me." He pointed

Him and Maci kept hitting each other so he softly pushed her on the ground.

"Kamarion you know you wrong."

"Nah cs she think i'm ha friend n i'm not. She not finna keep hittin' folks. Maci get up n say you sorry."

"Sorry Major" She spoke sitting up. "It's okay"

Once she got up Halo dusted the mulch off her clothes then they walked back to Saints apartment.

"I'm tired as fuck." Saint gasped "It's det asthma, i'm tryna tell you. Sit down n imma get you some water."

"Imma take you to da doctor inna mornin, okay?"

"Ite" He nodded taking the water from her. "Uncle Kam"


"Call mommy" Maci spoke giving him the remote.

"Maci- I can't call nobody on hea." He laughed causing her to get upset. "Mommy?" She questioned touching the buttons.

"Lemme call ha on my phone."

"No!" She mugged stomping away. "Crazy ass girl." He mumbled

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