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Anntonia's Pov

After slamming the door, I went straight to bed. Trying my very best to sleep, but I just couldn't and it frustrate me.

Many questions started to fill my mind as I stared at the ceiling of my room. The moon coming from my open window is my only source of light.
"Why am I acting like this?"
"Why does it hurt?"
" Why do I feel betrayed?"
"How dare she keeps on confusing me"

Trying to get her out of my mind, I closed my eyes tight as I gripped my blanket on each side. Only to see her smiling face and memories of us coming back to me


Anntonia's PoV (FLASHBACK)

It's our second day now here in Mexico. The moment we arrive here we were down to many activities and interviews.

And for today, we went on a tour, visited many tourist spots around Mexico, and visited their museum. However, because of the weather and lack of rest, Michelle and I went back earlier than the others to our shared room at the hotel because we did not feel well. That leads us to our situation right now. Here I am scrolling through my phone on my bed wearing my bathrobe for I just finished taking a bath a while ago, my back rested on the headboard, while Ms. Philippines is busy in the bathroom, doing whatever thing that she's doing.

It's already past 5pm, by the way.

I just stopped what I was doing when suddenly the door from the bathroom opened, revealing Michelle Dee wearing a bathrobe, hair wet, droplets of water cascading down her covered chest,and looking amazing while talking to someone with a wide smile on the phone.

See? This is what I'm talking about, how can she look so beautiful and handsome at same time? And it's so annoyingly attractive.
My gaze was just fixed on her as she walked towards her bed. 
You know what? This is something about which I'm confused, because every time I see her, it seems like everything vanishes, and it's just her that I can see. I feel something that I can't pin point. Everything she does is amazing in my eyes. Anyway, it's just normal to admire her because she's a friend of mine, right?

I was out of my thoughts, when she suddenly spoke.

" I know I'm gorgeous and amazing, but staring is rude you know " Michelle spoke, with that mischievous grin of hers.

I didn't notice that she's already standing at the foot of my bed facing and looking at me.

I just rolled my eyes on her

"Don't you just find it annoying, when someone just brag about themselves" I retorted

She just chuckled and walk to her bed, while still talking to whoever it is on her phone.

"Who was it?" I heard someone on the other line asked.

" Oh.. it's Anntonia, I'm just teasing her" Michelle replied with a little laugh.

" By the way, honey I need to end the call, cause I need to change. I'll call you again when I have time " Dee says, with her annoying sweet voice, and I don't know but I unknowingly roled my eyes at the endearment she gave to the woman.

"Ok, take care, and I miss you honey. Please come back home na" the woman replied.

"I miss you too, wifey. Don't worry malapit na ako umuwi"

They talk for a few more minutes, before finally really ending the call.

"What are you looking at?"

My phone fell on my lap when this annoying woman suddenly talked, startling me. I have no idea that she was already beside me, and not only that, her face was so near my face as I looked at her startled. It was so close that I could feel her hot breath hitting my face. As we looked at each other, I saw that she was startled too at how I abruptly looked at her, leading us to have this close proximity.

Is it just my imagination or, she really look at my lips.

We parted ways, when she cleared her throat and leaned back widening the gap between us. I also cleared my throat, feeling the awkward situation that happened seconds ago.

I could feel heat creeping on my cheeks, but it retreated when she suddenly took my phone on my lap, and panic surged in me as I tried to get my phone back from her. However, she suddenly raises her hand and stands up.

" The fuck, Michelle give me back my phone !!"

I shouted as I too get off my bed to get my phone from her.

" Na ah, let me look first what made you so occupied, that your not listening to me" she says, as she raised her hand for me not to reach it.

She was dodging every move I make, and now I am basically hugging her as I tried to get my phone behind her back.

" Wait Ann, just let me look" she says laughing, as she tried to push me using her other hand.

I ignored her, and continued to get my phone from her.

"Just one look, what is it ba that you don't want me to see"

No fucking way, I'm letting her see it, It'll be embarrassing

"Give it back Michelle or I'll kill you" I threatened but its no use, and she was able to get off my grasp and I chased her around the room, I panicked when she open my phone, I don't have a password that's why one swipe on my lockscreen and I'm doomed, thankfully someone called on my phone.

That made her stop on her track

Thank God whoever that's calling me.

As I reached her she was already facing me, handing me back my phone.

"Your boyfriend is calling" she plainly says. There's no emotion on her face, that made me think "is she upset?"

I get it from her, and she walked to her bed. I just followed her with my gaze.

My phone continues to ring, and I went to the balcony to answer Irfans call.

After talking to him, I went back inside the room to see Michelle drinking wine on her bed, a laptop on her lap watching a movie I guess.


A/N: Eyy yoow, whoever is reading this story. Sorry for updating just now HAHA

Na busy po kasi sa studies. This chapter is so boring, and I apologies. Anyways enjoy I guess?😅


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