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Dr. kal'tsit (bobcat Faunus) [works for the Galactic Empire Research Institute and is DT-1786 personal doctor and a rebel spy.)

Jeanne D'Arc (cousin of Jaune Arc) [simple girl living the civilian life under the Galactic Empire rule

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Jeanne D'Arc (cousin of Jaune Arc) [simple girl living the civilian life under the Galactic Empire rule.]

[subject 1138] Starkiller (Jaune Arc) [After Darth Vader kills Jaune's father, he is raised by Vader and is made his secret apprentice, under the name "Starkiller"

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[subject 1138] Starkiller (Jaune Arc) [After Darth Vader kills Jaune's father, he is raised by Vader and is made his secret apprentice, under the name "Starkiller". He is potent with using the Force for destructive purposes, with Witwer describing him as less of an assassin and more of a "Force wrecking ball" and a lose cannon at times.]

General Ironwood of the Galactic Empire (a Corrupt official just like so many other Imperial officers who want just power even if killing them to do it

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General Ironwood of the Galactic Empire (a Corrupt official just like so many other Imperial officers who want just power even if killing them to do it.)

Weiss Schnee (An Heir to the Schnee Mining Company and a former girlfriend of DT-1786 but was short lived by her father

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Weiss Schnee (An Heir to the Schnee Mining Company and a former girlfriend of DT-1786 but was short lived by her father.)

Katie (played by HK416)

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Katie (played by HK416)

Katie (played by HK416)

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Side Characters

Team R(w)by (turned into Grimm.)

Winter Schnee (specialist of the Galactic Empire)

(J)PNR [Jeanne's friends]

A Female Death trooper

Three Female Stormtroopers

(More coming soon...)

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