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A few hours later

DT-1786 walked through the woods alone it was strange to him ever back since he was a kid... he never got time to do a child stuff with a big imagination, he found himself without a imagination or none at all seeing as mental health wasn't the greatest As he looked around admiring the wildlife around him. A feeling in DT-1786 heart was missing and he didn't know what it was. As he shook the feeling off and going back into an emotionless state as he walked through the dirt road still following his orders.

Inside of Atlas military base general Ironwood was seen being flung around the small room by Darth Vader as the General told Vader about what happened and how he didn't order 77 before the whole base exploded and the volcano erupted destroying all evidence of the base being there. Vader getting what he wanted dropped the General ironwood and gave him a warning to not mess up next time...

The General coughed hard getting air in his lungs as his back muscles hurt badly, as few Medical droids picked the General up and took him the medical wing to recover.

With DT-1786 still walking through the woods
Through to be honest it felt good through he was forced to go to This planet by the higher ups after his "guard" mission which wasn't hard to do though dealing with S.H.E imperial guards was almost as hard, but wasn't as hard as dealing with young officers who believed that they were untouchable...

DT-1786 shook the idea out of his mind and continued walking away and he knew that he was an official traitor to the Empire and would be forever hunted down or killed...

(Five Years later)

The Sound of a person falling dead with a blaster mark on his chest as a dark figure with a darken camouflage ripped hoodie over the Death trooper head as he search the corpse before finding what he needed and walked away seeing that the target was dead and walked away into a snowy environment with little no greenery in sight as he walked towards his ship just as up above a S.H.E warship fleet appeared from up above.

As the ship took off as two SHE Banshees flew and opened fire luckily he took off before they could aim at him as he flew straight up as the banshees were several feet away until something fell out from behind the ship

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As the ship took off as two SHE Banshees flew and opened fire luckily he took off before they could aim at him as he flew straight up as the banshees were several feet away until something fell out from behind the ship...

As the ship took off as two SHE Banshees flew and opened fire luckily he took off before they could aim at him as he flew straight up as the banshees were several feet away until something fell out from behind the ship

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Then the Bounty Hunter ship flew out of orbit before jumping to hyperspace location unknown to both the S.H.E and the Galactic Empire...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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