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Location: Atlas Imperial Military Base
Country: Atlas

Time: 1200 hours

In the medical section of the Base

Kal'tsit was looking through a medical pad of her patient who sat quietly not saying a single word, which she liked as she finished up her work on the pad which she placed down and turned to the Death trooper.

Kal: well you seem to be completely fine, but besides a small cough. You're free to leave, also remember to take your meds every 12 hours okay!

DT: yes ma'am have a good day.

Kal: you too...

As the Death trooper got up and put his helmet on and walked out of the medical wing, as the trooper approached the airfield as AT-ST's walking pass the trooper. As he approached the the other death troopers who didn't notice the death trooper as the four trooper stood in position around the Inquisitor Winter Schnee as DT-1786 watched as three Rebels were marched by six Stormtroopers as one with long blonde hair was in Aura hand cuffs and had her semblance being neutralized as the three were being taken into a building with no names or windows on the building. As the three were forced into the building. Two Shock Troopers were standing guard like statues.

As the Scientists in general to DT-1786 looked crazed or insane either or made him shiver down his spine.

As the black and red tip hair was the first to be experimented on as a black substance in the syringe was then injected into the poor girl as she began to shake violently before her clothes began to rip and a Beowolf skull began forming on where h...

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As the black and red tip hair was the first to be experimented on as a black substance in the syringe was then injected into the poor girl as she began to shake violently before her clothes began to rip and a Beowolf skull began forming on where her forehead and scalp was eventually once the forced transformation was complete a Large BeoWolf with the girls red scarf still firmly rapped around her neck.

DT-1786 under his helmet had a horrified face as his stomach wanted to up back up from his throat

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DT-1786 under his helmet had a horrified face as his stomach wanted to up back up from his throat. He shook the idea out but before long the two others were turned into Grimm as well... Winter asked the crazed scientist if they could be controlled into obedience. He said it will take but yes it could be done.

Once she finished she the other three death troopers followed her out and DT-1786 did as well before he stopped as Winter stopped and so did the other death troopers as she noticed him with a hologram of a woman executing a order one she couldn't hear.

"Execute Order 77"

Before she could active her inquisitor lightsaber DT-1786 aimed his E-11D rifle and opened fire the rounds instantly killing her as her bodyguards fell too dead as DT-1786 turned to face General Ironwood a recently promoted officer in the Impact military saw it go down, before he got to cover and pulled out his SE-14r light repeating blaster pistol and fired two rounds before he was clipped in the shoulder rendering his shooting arm useless as Stormtroopers rounded the corner with E-11 rifles and they too were shot dead as Shock troopers, Shadow Troopers, Scout Troopers and Stormtroopers all fell victim to one rouge Death Trooper as he walked around finding an escape route given to Kal'tsit before the order was issued. 

As he turned the corner he noticed a High Explosive door to the entire Base so he ignited a explosive and dropped it into a Very, Very High Explosive generator. As he walked out and two stormtroopers were running at him until a explosion sent the door flying at them killing both instantly as DT-1786 escaped through an Abandoned old Kingdom of Atlas route before the Galactic empire came. Up above the entire base exploded like a Volcano (which was built on ironically.) as only three people escaped and survived the explosion.....

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