Once A Terrorist, Always A Terrorist

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"Toushi, are you sure about leaving the terrorists with them?" Kondo asked.

"Don't worry. They won't kill people who have surrendered. I'll put a word with Matsudaira about their punishment," Hijikata responded nonchalantly.

"But everyone will be talking about the Mimawarigumi now. They took all the glory." Yamazaki said.

"That's not true. After all, we landed ourselves the jackpot." Hijikata opened the police car door to reveal Gintoki a.k.a... "Isn't that right, Shiroyasha?"

"That's former Shiroyasha! I saved your asses back there, and now you're turning on me?! What about [Surname]-chan? Aren't you going to arrest her too?!" Gintoki yelled loudly.

Hijikata raised an eyebrow. "[Name], huh?"

"Yeah! She was up there with us!"

Kondo looked to his side. "[Nickname], you're not a terrorist, right?"

Gintoki's eyes widened, "When did she get here?!"

The female didn't hesitate to answer, "Nope~"

Kondo nodded at her answer, "There you have it."

"Traitor, I helped save the boy!"

"Mmmm...I seem to recall you kicking someone off a high place~"


"Anyways, I knew there was something fishy about you, but I never dreamed that you were a big-name Joi like Katsura," Hijikata interrupted.

"Former big name! You know I'm a model citizen now!"

Sparkles appeared around Gintoki.


"We can always charge him with attempted murder. He kicked Tetsu off the roof," Yamazaki suggested.

"Okay, fine! So, I'm a former Joi!" The silver-haired man turned to Tetsunosuke. "But so is he! Right, Tetsu-kun? If you start digging into the past, everyone will look like a criminal! If you're gonna arrest me, you better arrest him!"

"He's right! Allow me to take responsibility! I will commit sudoku seppuku!" Tetsunosuke cried.


"This crisis was my fault!" He exclaimed.

"No, er, wait! That wasn't my goal here!"

Tetsunosuke continued to speak, "I was afraid to tell anyone, to tell the vice chief, that I was a former Joi. But my secret led to this mess. I knew nothing. I thought I could offer advice, but I failed to deliver your letter! Not to your brother...not to mine..."

Hijikata sighed, "You could always deliver another one. And this time, write it yourself. Didn't you promise to become stronger than me? It's your turn now. You might not get the message to your brother, but we'll hear you loud and clear."

"Yeah, but some of them probably can't read," Kondo said.

The Shinsengumi and [Name] exploded i laughter from his comment.

"Tetsu, we'll always be waiting for your letter. Never forget that..."

Hijikata collapsed onto the floor.

"Vice chief!"

"Hey, Toushi!"







Once they got him in a car and was driving back to headquarters, [Name] felt a soft object on her lap.

Her eyes looked at Kondo questionably.

He sensed her stare and grinned at her, "Welcome back, [Nickname]. From now on, you'll be my page."

A small smile played on her lips as she examined the uniform. "Yeah, I'm back..."

Uniform:(http://i.imgur.com/Nj9cr8M.jpg, http://i.imgur.com/sW8fOlp.jpg, http://i.imgur.com/vIf6Bk5.jpg)

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