Bitty B Debut

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Today was a very big day for the four teen BroZone brothers - John Dory (JD), Spruce, Clay, and Floyd - at the Troll Village hospital, as they eagerly awaited the arrival of their newest sibling.

They were at the large viewing window of the hospital nursery for newborn Trolls.

Right now, they had yet to be informed which one of the little ones belonged to their family.

Their eyes shone with anticipation, each brother contributing to the excited chatter that filled the air.

Clay, hardly able to keep still, bounced on his toes.

"I can't believe this is really happening!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Spruce nodded, adding, "It's like a dream, isn't it?"

JD, always the confident leader, grinned widely.

"Well, believe it, brother! We're about to meet the newest member of BroZone!" he declared, his chest swelling with pride.

This prompted a small round of laughter from the others.

Floyd, with a smirk, said, "BroZone? Really, John? We're in a hospital, not at a band audition."

JD sheepishly replied, "Oh, uh, yeah, I know. I meant as in our brotherhood...not the...the band."

He muttered, "Not yet anyway."

Floyd, normally shy and quiet, shared his thoughts.

"Well, I just can't wait. I've been waiting for this day for too long."

John playfully elbowed him, teasing, "Ready to give up your title as the 'baby' of the family, huh?"

Spruce joined in, "Yeah, now that we'll have an actual new baby in the family."

Floyd chuckled, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

"As great as that's mostly because...I'm excited to be a big brother."

Clay, unable to contain his energy, exclaimed, "That's the spirit! Welcome to the brotherhood, ex-baby bro!"

Floyd smiled, a mix of nostalgia and anticipation in his gaze.

Growing impatient, Clay asked, "Now, how much longer till we meet him or her?!"

Just then, a gentle voice called out.


They turned to see Grandma Rosiepuff standing in the nursery, with a proud smile on her face.

She was standing right next to one of the babies' beds.

No doubt this was the one.

Their hearts leaped.

It was now the moment they've all been waiting for.

As they pressed closer to the glass, Grandma Rosiepuff's voice filled the room.

"Meet your new baby brother..."

She gently unwrapped the baby's blanket a bit...

And revealed a tiny, sleeping figure with a tuft of blue hair.


As the little one continued sleeping, he let out a small, cooing yawn.

The brothers were instantly smitten.


"He's so tiny!"

"Look at that hair! Definitely a Bro...Zone member!"

Floyd, feeling a surge of emotions, had tears in his eyes.

"I...I'm a big brother now."

JD put a comforting arm around Floyd.

"Yeah, you are. And you're going to be the best big brother ever."

Spruce, looking at Branch, added, "We all are. We're going to teach him everything."

Clay, always energetic, chimed in, "Yeah, like how to prank JD!"

They all laughed, their joy palpable.

Floyd, staring at Branch, whispered, "Welcome to the world, Branch...and the family."

The brothers stood united, their bond strengthened by the arrival of Branch.

They knew this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love, laughter, and brotherhood.

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