Blankies and Bawling

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The calm in the BroZone pod was suddenly shattered by Baby Branch's distressed cries.

The brothers rushed into the nursery, finding Grandma Rosiepuff cradling Branch, her eyes scanning the room for something.

"What's wrong, Grandma?" John Dory asked, his voice laced with concern.

Floyd asked in the same manner, "Yeah, what's wrong with Branch?"

"It's his blankie. It's gone missing, and Branch won't calm down without it," Rosiepuff explained, her hands gently patting Branch's back in an attempt to soothe him.

"Let's split up and look for it. It has to be here somewhere," Floyd suggested, already on his knees looking under the crib.

The brothers scattered around the room, checking every possible hiding place.

"Not under here!" Spruce called out from under the chair.

"Not in here either!" Clay announced, shutting the closet door with a sigh.

It seemed like Branch's cries were getting louder and louder.

Spruce calmly said, "Ok, Branch, please stop crying. We are looking for your blankie as fast as we can."

As the cries continued, Clay, in a moment of inspiration, grabbed a nearby cloth.

"Maybe this will calm him for now," he said, holding it out to Branch.

"Look, Branch! What's this I found? Is this your blankie?"

But Branch was not deceived.

With a swift motion, he threw the cloth back at Clay and wailed even louder.

Clay just said, "I'll take that as a 'no.'"

Just then, they heard the sound of a truck bug outside.

Floyd said, "Well, it sounds like the donation collectors came for that pile we left outside."

Spruce said, "Yep. At least some kids will get some happiness, with their own blankies..."

Just then, they took a minute to realize something.

Clay asked, "Including Branch's?"

The teens all gasped.


Without hesitation, they sprinted outside, chasing down the truck bug as it pulled away.

"Wait! Stop, please!" Floyd shouted, his voice echoing down the street.

The chase was frantic, with each brother urging the other on.

"Faster, Clay!" Spruce yelled as they weaved through the village.

Finally, they managed to catch up with the truck bug, the collectors looking surprised at the sudden appearance of the panting brothers.

"Please...we check...donations. Our brother's blankie might be in there," John Dory explained, catching his breath.

With a nod of understanding, the collectors allowed them to search through the pile.

And there, amidst the heap of clothes, was the beloved blankie.

"Found it!" Clay exclaimed, holding it up triumphantly.

They hurried back home, Branch's blankie in hand, ready to end the turmoil.

But as they entered the nursery, they were met with a surprising sight.

Branch, now peaceful, had formed a bond with the replacement cloth Clay had tried to pass off.

He clutched it tightly, his earlier distress replaced by a serene expression.

The brothers looked at each other, a mixture of exhaustion and amusement on their faces.

"Well, I guess he's got two blankies now," Floyd said with a chuckle.

Rosiepuff smiled, gently placing the original blankie next to Branch.

"Looks like Branch's heart is big enough for both," she commented, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

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