Night Fever

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The stillness of the BroZone household was suddenly disrupted as Baby Branch's cries echoed through the night.

Everyone was sound asleep until this moment.

Floyd, half-asleep but instinctively concerned, hurried to Branch's crib.

"Hey, little guy, what's up?" he whispered, checking the basics – diaper and hunger – but Branch was clean and had been fed.

He gently touched Branch's forehead and felt the heat.

"Oh, no, you're burning up," Floyd murmured, his calm demeanor tinged with concern.

"Guys, Branch has a fever!"

John Dory, Spruce, and Clay were jolted awake by Floyd's call.

They rushed into the nursery in a state of panic.

Not much later, the quiet state of the pod was quickly shifted to a state of chaos.

JD frantically searched for a thermometer.

Though when he found it, he seemed to be struggling.

"How do you turn this thing on again?"

Spruce, usually the cool and composed one, paced the room, mumbling about cold compresses and warm baths.

"Should we give him a bath? Or was it a cold compress?"

Clay, often the jokester, was unusually serious, gathering blankets and extra pillows, preparing for what he imagined would be a long night.

"He needs to be warm, right? Or is it cool? I don't know!"

Amidst their frantic actions, Floyd remained the anchor.

He calmly held Branch close and tried to comfort him with soft lullabies and gentle rocking.

"Let's not lose our heads, guys. We need to be calm for Branch."

The chaos continued until Grandma Rosiepuff arrived.


Everything and everyone immediately stopped.

Except for Branch, who still cried.

She walked in, taking in the scene with an experienced eye.

"Alright, boys, let's take a breath and calm down," she said soothingly.

"I've been through this with each of you."

She gently took Branch into her arms, expertly checking his temperature.

"It's just a small fever. All he needs is some medicine, a bit of cool water to drink, and lots of rest," she advised, her tone both comforting and authoritative.

Under Grandma Rosiepuff's guidance, the brothers helped care for Branch in a more organized manner.

JD carefully poured the medicine into a small spoon.

After Floyd calmed Branch down a bit, JD was able to get him to take the medicine.

Spruce prepared a lukewarm cloth to dab Branch's forehead.

And Clay made sure Branch stayed hydrated with small sips of water.

They then took turns watching over Branch throughout the night.

Floyd continued his soothing lullabies, his voice a comforting presence in the quiet room.

By morning, Branch was feeling much better.

The brothers, exhausted but relieved, gathered in the kitchen with Grandma Rosiepuff.

"You did well, boys," she said with a proud smile.

"You're a great team when it comes to looking after your little brother."

JD, with a relieved smile, said, "Thanks, Grandma. It was a team effort."

Spruce leaned against the counter, "Definitely a learning experience. Staying calm is key."

Floyd watched Branch playing, a soft smile on his face.

"Yeah, and nothing brings the BroZone together like taking care of our youngest member."

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