In a Galaxy Far Far Away...

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"In a Galaxy Far Far Away"
Rotation-4 of interrogation, 07,  Month - 01, 9 ABY , 03:33
Interrogator Cpt. Meera "Talon" Loniyo
New Republic Intelligence
"The Epoch" New Republic cruiser somewhere in the Inner Rim 

The room was dim like the past four rotations aboard the repurposed Imperial (now new republic) star destroyer 'The Epoch", the cell was still, the only sound was the minor breathing of Prisoner 627. The only life the room had seen was a plethora of interrogators chipping away at the aged man, 627 sat in his chair, his cuffed hands on the cold steel table, head drooped, the guards outside his room thought that they were guarding a corpse. Soon the cell door opened with a swish and an officer walked in with two guards at her side, her green mirialan skin contrasting her blue uniform. The officer sat across the 627 reading his file on her data pad

Officer: " 'morning, Six -Two-Seven"

The Officer looked up slightly from her data pad expecting a response. Meanwhile the guards grinned knowing how this whole routine went for the past 4 rotations. As the officer realized that this was going to be a long morning, she began reading her prisoner's file, tapping her fingers on the cold steel table.

Officer: "well, Mr..."

The officer scrolled on her datapad through the lines and lines of redacted text, She finally reached a picture of her prisoner, it was a photo of a younger prisoner 627, there was no gray on his beard and no slight wrinkles on his face and no thousand lightyear stares. It was a photo of him in the days of the Empire, along with his old stormtrooper conscript number.

| Carth Qayid |


Officer: "Qayid.. Carth Qayid, well Mr Qayid I am Officer Meera Loniyo-"

Meera looked up at her prisoner and was shaken when she noticed that he was looking straight at her with an emotionless expression.

Meera: "oh! Its- uh- good to see you're still alive"

627 cleared his throat, the rumbling in his throat filling the air of the interrogation cell. He pulled his handcuffed hands back and reached into his tattered farming coat- at instinct the two guards pointed their blasters at the man, but before they could barrage the prisoner with laser fire, Meera put her hand up, commanding them to stand down. 627 reached into his coat pocket with his leathery hands and retrieved a single cigarette, placing it on his lips and searching for his lighter. Meera had a small smile on her lips, amused by this enigma of a former stormtrooper. As 627's search for his lighter proved fruitless he looked at Meera expectantly.

Meera: "I don't smoke."

As the silence began to scratch at the brains and ears of everyone in the cell, Meera turned and looked up at one of her guards. The guard sighed and retrieved a lighter from his breast pocket and gave it to the officer. Meera sighed and slid the lighter towards 627 which he happily caught and lit his cigarette with, taking a long draw out of it.

Meera: "Those things will kill you, you know that?

627 pocketed the lighter and looked at Meera, as Meera shifted in her seat opening her mouth to state her purpose in that cell, the prisoner finally spoke.

627: "A blaster does the same thing but faster, still here, aren't I?"

His sandpaper voice echoed through the cell, the guards stared at the prisoner who was previously mute and catatonic for the past 4 rotations. Meera smiled amusingly at the prisoner putting away her data pad.

Meera: "Prisoner 627 you were detained and brought to the Epoch here because of your past as an Imperial Storm Trooper, but you are too curious of a case to pass on to the amnesty program."

627: "That's why there's no hole between my eyes huh?"

Meera: "fortunately the New Republic's methods are not as brutal and harsh as the Empire's"

627: "New Republic? don't you mean the rebel alliance?"

Meera: "That was our former name yes but we thought a rebranding was necessary seeing how there's nothing to rebel against."

The officer chuckled slightly trying to elicit an emotion from her prisoner but he just stared into the orange ember of his cigarette. The smoke entombed the interrogation room, the smell of spice scratching at everyone's nostrils.

Meera: "What's your story, 627?"

627: "My story?"

Meera: "I would like to know your career as a stormtrooper-"

627: "I wasn't a bucket head."

Meera: "but it clearly says in your record that you were-"

627: "is your data pad linked to the Imperial database?"

Meera: "we tried our best to back up all the information we cou-"

627: "give it."

The officer was getting slightly irritated by her prisoner's interruptions. He extended his hand expecting the data pad. Meera sighed and contemplated if she should give intel to this prisoner. But she gave in to her curiosity and handed the datapad to 627. The ex-imperial put the cigarrent on his lips and started tapping away at the datapad and soon handed it back to his interrogator, the datapad displayed a new file.

627: "I'm not that good at slicing, but I did what I could on retrieving some old files."

Meera read the file as her prisoner leaned back and put his left leg over the other. Meera's eyes lit up as she saw the slightly corrupt and mostly redacted file of her prisoner. There was no photo, most of the text was blacked out, there were only a couple words that she could read.

| [REDACTED] "Echo-01" Qayid |


Designation under Imperial Intelligence, Lexanna "Oracle 3-2" Tayir

[REDACTED] Task Force Echo

Status: [REDACTED]

Meera: "DT..Death Trooper"

Normally a person well averse in the ranks of the former Galactic Empire would shudder at the mention of the Empire's most brutal and efficient military operators. But Meera looked up at her prisoner and leaned back with a smile.

Meera: "Now I would like to hear your story"

627: "For?"

Meera: "that's on a need to know basis"

627: "What if I refuse?"

Meera: "we have interrogators with a lower temper than I do"

627: "it's a long story"

Meera: "we have time"

627: "I'm gonna need more smokes than this."

Meera: "we can certainly get you some"

627: "Do you enjoy tormenting me?"

Meera:" Very much"

As the two looked at each other, 627 rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed as smoke escaped his nostrils and mouth. Meera put her datapad away and dismissed her guards with a wave of her hand. She adjusted in her seat and put her hands together waiting patiently for the morning to truly start.

627: "where do you want me to begin?"

Meera: "wherever you wish.. Echo one"

A chuckle escaped the prisoner's lips closely followed by a wheezing cough. Meera smiled after finally eliciting an emotion from her prisoner.

627: "That's a name I haven't heard in a long time."

Echo-01 leaned back and put his head back slightly as he stared off beyond the walls of his interrogation cell and into the far reaches of his psyche and archives of memories. Echo-01 looked into his interrogators eyes and cleared his throat as he began to tell the story about the Ghosts of the Empire

Echo-01: In a Galaxy Far Far Away...

[I hope you enjoyed the first installment, it isn't much but we'll slowly get there. I don't know when the next chapter is going to be but I'll try to get it out soon as I can. I hope you have a blessed day, may the force be with you and God bless.]

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