Chapter I: Siege

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"I guess it all started on that night"

"which night?"

"Coruscant,  20-ish years ago"

"care to elaborate?"

"do I have a choice?"

"Not in the slightest"

Rotation-03 of standoff, 14, Month - 02, 10 BBY,  18:35
Task Force Echo
Imperial Special Forces
Senate Building, Coruscant, Core Worlds Region.

                 The unforgiving rain poured without stopping in the core world of Coruscant. the bustling and industrial city planet was usually the farthest thing from quiet. speeders everywhere, billions of citizens living their life, billions of individual stories linked in the grand tapestry of the planet. This night was different. Coruscant's senate building the center of the galaxy's government and democracy in the Galactic Empire, it was the gargantuan dome near the middle of the planet's capital, where centuries of democracy and agreements was practiced. over 2,000 congressmen made the Galactic Senate. But for the past three days  no democracy has been practiced, no agreements, no debates. The Senate Building was filled with the silent cries and whimpers of terrified senators held at gunpoint. The Rebel Alliance, the antithesis of The Empire's order and security  had now breached The Empire's democracy.  tens of hundreds of storm troopers, officers and scout troopers stood at the perimeter of the Senate Building, the search lights of the ships hovering over the building pierced through the rain. The media was pushing its limits to get the entire story of the situation. 

Barricades were set up around the perimeter of the senate building. one stormtrooper captain tapped away at his data-pad as the rain slammed into his white porcelain like armor. one scout trooper ran up to him.

Scout trooper: "the boys are trying to hold back the media, Captain!"

Stormtrooper Cpt.: "forget about the media! any word from the negotiator, lieutenant!?"

the two troopers yelled over the rain and blaring megaphones uselessly commanding the rebels inside to standdown.  

Scout trooper: "nothing yet, Sir. the negotiator went dark 6 hours ago."

Stormtrooper Cpt. : "any visuals of the hostiles from the snipers?"

Scout trooper: "negative. Sir"

The moment the captain tried to say something else, the searchlights of the patrol ships all focused on a man limping out of the Senate Building. the man was wearing a bloodied and broken stormtrooper armour. his face was bruised, there was only pieces  of his white armour attached to him,  he limped out of the building his hands in the air.  all of the troopers stationed outside the perimeter rushed towards the barricades and pointed their blasters at the poor soldier.

Stormtrooper Cpt. : "stand down! STAND DOWN!"

 the stormtroopers lowered their rifles.  the barricade was opened for the bloodied trooper, he collapsed unto the wet ground. as the  bloodied soldier tried to crawl his way to his brothers, the scout trooper ran towards him and dragged him to cover behind the barricade. The captain knelt beside the wounded trooper.

Wounded trooper: ""

Stormtrooper Cpt: "you're alright, we'll get a medic to look after you, just keep your eyes open"

Wounded trooper: "S-Sir..they want to-"

Stormtrooper Cpt: "save your breath, soldier. we need you alive to tell us what's going on in there-"

the wounded soldier coughed up blood and held on to the captain and pulled him in close

Wounded trooper: "Sir!"

the wounded soldier gave the captain his coms. as the captain took the communication device the bloodied trooper collapsed, letting go of the captain. the device vibrated in the now blood stained hands of the captain. The captain answered the call. soon the hologram of a masked man appeared. 

masked rebel: you still haven't accepted our demands.

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