Sweet Love

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The morning after - 11:25 am

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The morning after
- 11:25 am

Tiana stirred in bed, sensing Clovel's absence. Sitting up, she was greeted by the radiant morning light, casting an orange glow in the room. The enticing aroma of breakfast wafted through the air. Adjusting Clovel's hoodie, she left the bed and headed to the bathroom for a quick routine.

Returning, she heard the familiar sound of Clovel's slippers. As he entered with a breakfast tray, he beamed, "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good Morning" she says smiling. "No way you woke up before me to make me breakfast"

"Of course" he says smiling as he gives her the tray. "I actually thought you would've been up then it hit 9 and I was like damn, she still sleep"

"Aw. This is so cute baby. Thank you" she says smiling.

"Anything for you" Clovel says pecking her lips. "I gotta go get my plate, I'll be back"

Examining the meticulously prepared breakfast, Tiana couldn't help but snap a picture for her friends. Taking a bite of bacon, she marveled at the perfection of the waffles, bacon, eggs, sausage, and even grits - Clovel always exceeded expectations.

Clovel returned with a plate and orange juice for himself.

"I've never had anyone get me breakfast in bed," Tiana remarked, looking at him.
"It's okay, baby, you're with a king now," Clovel joked.

"I can see," Tiana replied, smiling.

"I hope everything tastes good. I don't eat eggs, but I know you do," Clovel mentioned, taking a bite of his bacon.

"We're about to see," Tiana said, moving the tray closer and picking up her fork. Clovel observed eagerly as she tried the eggs first, making a face of pure bliss.


"What? It's nasty?"

"No, baby, this is really good-you have to try it," Tiana said, covering her mouth.

"I don't like eggs, though," Clovel replied, looking at her.

"Baby, you have to. How did you cook it and not try it?"

"Because I just seasoned it like I've seen you do."

Tiana put some on the fork and held it out for him to try. Clovel rolled his eyes before eating it.

"Damn, they're actually not bad."

"See, you did good," Tiana said, smiling.

"Well, thank you," Clovel replied before diving into his plate.

"You're so sweet."

"After the night we had, I had to make you some breakfast. You worked me out, girl," he added.

Tiana laughed and playfully pushed him. "Stopp."

Clovel smiled before digging into his food more. Tiana did the same as they enjoyed breakfast together while watching TV.

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