Chapter 11

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Rose: Anna you told me you'd figured the egg out weeks ago. The task is two days from now.
"She still hadn't figured it out?!" Said worried James.
Anna: Really? I had no idea. I suppose others already figured it out.
Ada: You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?
Anna: What's that supposed to mean?
Ada: I mean these tasks are supposed to test you, in the most brutal way, they're almost cruel. And um, I'm scared for you. You got by the dragon mostly on nerve, I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time. [Rose nodded at Ada's words.]
"She is right. You can't go in tournament blind." Said Lily.
Cedric: Hey, Potter.
Anna: Cedric.
Cedric: How are you?
Anna: Spectacular.
Cedric: Look! I realise I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons.
Anna: Forget about it. I'm sure, you would have done the same for me.
Cedric: Exactly. You know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor? [Anna nods.]
Cedric: It's not a bad place for a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water.
"Siriusly? She gave him direct answer and he's giving her riddles?!" Said Sirius.
"He probably doesn't want to break rules." Said Lily.
[Anna is taking her clothes off, she gets in the bath. She has her golden egg on the side.]
Anna: I must be out of my mind. [She opens the egg and the horrible screech noise comes out.]
Myrtle: I'd try putting it in the water if I were you.
Anna: Myrtle!
Myrtle: Long time no see. [The ghostly figure of little Myrtle flies around.]
Myrtle: I was circling a blocked drain the other day and could swear I saw a bit of polyjuice potion. Not being a bad girl again, are you, Anna?
"She is creepy." Said Regulus.
"She lives in toilet, what did you expect?" Said Evan.
"True." Said Regulus.
"My daughter is in bath! Naked!" Said angry James.
"James, You were right. We should exortise her." Said Sirius. Remus nodded.
Anna: Polyjuice potion! Kicked the habit. Myrtle, did you say try putting it in the water? [Myrtle flies around again and gets in the water.]
"I will drag her to the hell!" Said Barty. For once, Barty and James agreed.
Myrtle: Well. That's what he did. The other boy, the handsome one. Cedric. [Anna takes the egg and puts it under the water.]
Myrtle: Well go on, open it. [Anna does so and goes underwater herself. She hears a voice singing.]
Voice singing: Come seek us where our voices sound. We cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took.
Anna: Myrtle, there aren't Merpeople in the black lake are there?
Myrtle: Ahhh, very good. Took Cedric ages to riddle it out. Almost all the bubbles were gone... [Myrtle laughs. Anna glares at her.]
"I already don't know who i should kill first, when i get out of here!" Said Sirius. James nodded.
Rose: Anna, tell me again.
Anna: Come seek us where our voices sound.
Ada: The black lake, that's obvious.
Everyone nodded.
Anna: An hour long you'll have to look.
Rose: Again obvious, though potentially problematic.
I would say very problematic." Said Remus.
Anna: Potentially problematic? When was the last time you held your breath under the water for an hour, Rose?
Rose: Look Anna, we can do this. It's us against the world, remember?
People smile at them.
[Anna smiles. Mad-Eye Moody appears in the doorway.]
Mad-eye: Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office. Not you, Potter and Ettington, just Weasley.
"Why?" Asked Remus.
Rose: But sir, the second task is only hours away and...
Mad-eye: Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now! Longbottom! [Neville appears from behind a bookcase.]
Mad-eye: Why don't you help Potter put her books back?
Neville: You know, if you're interested in plants you'd be better with Gorshok's Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal whose growing gravity resistant trees?
Ada: Nev, No offense, but we really don't care about plants now.
Anna: Now if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour then great.
"She could use gilliweed." Said Barty.
Neville: I don't know about a turnip but you can always use gilliweed.
"He agrees." Said Barty.
[The Weasly twins are shouting, busy taking bets. Anna is walking along with Neville and Ada, he has some green plantlife in his hand.]
Ada: You're sure about this, Neville?
Neville: Absolutely.
Anna: For an hour.
Neville: Most likely.
Anna&Ada: Most likely?
Neville: Well... There is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of freshwater versus saltwater.
"It works in both." Assured Barty. Lily sights out in relief.
"How would you know?" Asked Sirius.
"Experiment." Answered Barty.
"Which was horrible idea." Glared Evan.
"It worked." Defended Barty.
"What if it didn't?!" Glared Evan.
Anna: You're telling me this now? You must be joking.
Neville: I just wanted to help.
Anna: Well... that makes you slightly better than Rose.
Ada: Where is she?
Neville: I don't know. I can't find her. I have been searching for her whole day.
People get worried for Rose.
"You think she is okay?" Asked worried Lily.
"Yes." Lied James.
"You are terrible liar." Said Lily.
Dumbledore: (Over a loudspeaker) Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the black lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough. Except for this, they will have one hour to do so and one hour only. After that they'll be on their own.
"You think...?" Asked Regulus. Barty nodded nervously.
Mad-eye: (To Anna) Put that in your mouth. [Anna puts the gilliweed in her mouth and starts choking.]
Dumbledore: (Continued) You may begin at the start of the cannon. [The cannon fires and the champions enter the water, three of them dive in while Anna is pushed. Underwater the effects of gilliweed take hold, Anna's hands and feet become webbed.]
Seamus: What's the matter with her?
Friend: I don't know I can't see her.
Neville: Oh my god, I've killed Anna Potter!
"Dark lord is sure jaelous." Said Barty. Evan jabbed him. Barty groaned.
[Anna flies into the air like a dolphin and the crowd cheer.]
Everyone is relieved.
[Anna swims among the fish and rocks. Singing voices start echoing. We see Fleur get trapped, she screams.]
Dumbledore: (Over the loudspeaker) The Beauxbatons champion Miss Delacour has unfortunately been forced to retire. She will take no further part in this task.
"But the treature..." Said Regulus.
"They will probably bring them out." Intterupted Barty. Regulus nodded.
[Anna is still searching around. She hears muffled screams. She finds Rose, Cho Chan, brunette girl and a blonde girl from Beauxbatons tied in place by their ankles. Anna sets free Rose and takes her. Cedric is behind Anna, he frees Cho.]
[Than Anna and Rose emerge, the crowd cheers.]
Everyone cheers.
[Cedric and Cho next. Viktor and brunette next, the crows chants 'Krum, Krum, Krum'. The Beauxbatons girls look worried.]
"They will bring the girl out, right?" Asked Lily.
"Of course. They can't just kill people." Said Sirius.
[Neville gives caughing Rose and Anna a blanket. While Neville checks over Rose, Percy hugs Rose. Than twins come and they look at Rose and Anna, too.]
Dumbledore: Attention! Attention! The winner is... Ms Potter! [Anna and her friends cheer.]
Gryffindors+Barty and Evan cheer.
Dumbledore: Ms Potter for her unique speed. We've agreed to award her first place! For showing unique command of the bubblehead shark. We have agreed to give Mr. Diggory second place. [As they're walking away from the lake Anna's friends are cheering her.]
Fred: First place eh?
George: Well done. [Barty Crouch is waiting for Anna.]
Barty: Congratulations Potter, fine achievement. Well done girl. I'm sorry we haven't spoken, after all your story is one I've heard many times. Quite remarkable. Tragic of course, to lose one's family. Never whole again are we? Still, life goes on. And here we stand. I'm sure your parents would be very proud today Potter.
Barty Jr. glares at him hatefully.
[Mad-Eye approaches them.]
Mad-eye: Bartimus! Not trying to lure Potter into one of the ministry's summer internships are we? Last person who went into the department of ministries never came out! [Barty walks away from him.]
Mad-eye: And they say I'm mad.

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