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What should he do? When faced with internal conflict he follows his head, and whatever will lead him to his end goal quicker—finding the Blue Spider Lily.

And the object of perfection, hope, power, everything. This charming and everso-slippery flower had been living in the shadows all his life. A grand one-thousand years. Hiding. From him. As if it knew who he was, his actions, what he had done just to get his greedy hands on it- all for no good. Was this his karma, to never find it? No... That's not it. He will find it. And when he does...

If anything could potentially interfere with his life-long quest of obtaining such a flower, he disposes of it immediately. Without a second thought, as if it were programmed into him to do so without hesitation. He would be out of his mind to let anything obstruct his dream.

Unfortunately for him, something caused him to lose his mind. Or rather, someone.

We've already gone over this before, that's you. Hi.

You just barged right on in his life, the audacity! Do you not know who he is? How dare you! Who do you think you are? Causing him to rethink his entire life's purpose, all he's worked for. And Over what? Nothing! Nothing except you. Oh how confusing this all is, it irritates him. He hates it when he gets frustrated, nothing calms him down. He goes on rampages and massacres. Do you know how many lives have been ended all because of you? Oh how he could kill you right now-

But... Whenever a violent thought occurs of something negative happening to you, it sickens him... No, worse. It's disgusting, and repulsing, a million more words to describe how truly god-right-awful he feels when he thinks of nasty things occurring to you.


He has a sense of distaste whenever said thought appears of something bad happening to you. What should he do with you? Every little thing, every little thought reminds him of you, and what you do. There's nothing special about you, you're not a demon, you're not a demon-slayer, you shouldn't even exist to him! You should be like everybody else to him, nothing. Someone name whom he does not bother to remember. So then, why is he drawn to you? It's not his fault, it's never his fault.

You can't choose who you love- Wait... love? Who said love? Nobody said love. 


The early morning air was crisp, the dew-coated wind blew soft invisible kisses through your hair. The feeling was nice and way too nostalgic. It wasn't uncommon for you to be out around 1 in the morning- or even later after closing up the library. The town was quiet, deserted of people who were sleeping, lights out, so the open streets were dark. Since you were dying soon, you were happy with the peaceful environment at least.

You'd already come to the conclusion you were dead meat, didn't bother you that much. Muzan was still walking to your side, sticking close to your left. His steps were silent and nothing short from graceful. Confident in each stride. Meanwhile, you acted as if it was any normal day, expecting this one would be your last.

Even if you are just exaggerating, you were dead set it was your final moment. There wasn't much to see except the sky coated in a lovely black, the occasional lighter cloud floating by in the breeze, and of course the stars. You'll be up there with the stars shortly... how peaceful. 

While you were reciting your prayers internally, Muzan was busy thinking about how he could ask you on a date.

Taking a few more steps, you begin to slow down until you reach a halt in the middle of the large dirt road. From there there was a split in the road, a smaller one branching off into the growth of trees and plants. The vegetation was thick and hid the path quite well. Turning around, you force yourself to speak. "Well, thanks for walking me out here. You really didn't have to Toshiro-San!" You briefly bow while smiling sheepishly, you face him in "gratitude," slightly confused as to why you are still breathing and alive. Perhaps you were wrong, and he really isn't a demon, Muzan at that... No... You're right, you know you are. 

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