[ 9 ] The Shroud's and A Tart

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All Warnings and Extra Information:

- ♤, ♡, ♧ and ♢ means flashback, memory, diary entries, journal entries, etc.

- Bold words are emphasized

- Blanks are words that will be stated in the future or an error


"Anyways, what's this 'signature spell' he mentioned?" The magicless human asked with a tilted head.

At this point the girl started getting bored of the conversation as she took out her enderpearl and started observing it, rotating it around as the others continue on talking, only listening to the explanation of what a signature spell is.

"Miss Y/N." The girl stopped playing with her enderpearl upon hearing her name, "What."

"Would you like to join us with making the tart? I'm sure I'll be fun!" The girl narrowed her eyes at the dark haired human, "Why should I involve myself in your mess?"

"Because we're friends right? Friends helps eachother!" The girls eyes widened at his sentence, her bangs covering her eyes as the human smiled at the girl, thinking she'll help them.

That thought of his was wrong as the girl stood up and grabbed the boys collar from across the table and pulled him up to her face, "If the mere thought of us being friends will make me help you then you thought wrong!" The male flinched along with everyone in the table and those who were nearby.

Y/N glared at the magicless human, "Ask me to help you again and I will have your head, and I'm not talking metaphorically, I will cut off your head." The girl let go of his collar and picked up her tray as she glared at the first year before she left the table and threw away her trash and gave the tray back to the cafeteria ghosts.

The girl let out a huff as she made her way back to class, although the class was being held at the field as it was PE time for her, and according to Meg, some second and third years will be joining them as PE was a joint class between the first, ...

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The girl let out a huff as she made her way back to class, although the class was being held at the field as it was PE time for her, and according to Meg, some second and third years will be joining them as PE was a joint class between the first, second and third years.

Taking out her PE uniform that was in her inventory, she went to the locker room near the field and took a pointed glass container with greyish almost black liquid inside, she slammed it down to the ground as she immediately started changing her clothes despite being blind for a few minutes.

Y/N went out of the locker room with her PE uniform, and still blind as she squint around, she hugged the wall as she made her way out and into thw grassy field, she then held out her hand to try not bumping into anyone, that was until she tripped and kissed the ground.

Groaning, she just continue to lay there, that was until she heard a cheery voice, too cheery for her liking, "Are you alright Miss?"

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