🌈 Chapter 4 ~ New Worker 🌈

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Book may contain mentions of:
-Manipulative/Toxic people
If any of these triggers you I suggest you don't read this!

~~~~~~~~~(A few months later)~~~~~~~~~

Y/N has been getting along with everyone in the factory so far! They have met Eddie and his lovely husband Frank, Barnaby the guard, Poppy the medic, Sally the work gossiper, Julie the happy beast, Howdy the caterpillar and of course Y/N's boss, Walden Darling, They have been getting along with Walden, Actually befriending them.. But soon everything would turn for the worst..

Y/N's Pov:

I would be working in my office casually tapping away at my keyboard as suddenly Walden would walk into my office, "Y/N, I would like you to meet Rose.." He would state before standing to the side, Revealing a Woman, Red hair, Blue eyes and obviously in a lab coat. "You will be training her" She would give a small wave at me smiling happily. She didn't seem so bad.. I would stand up from my desk, "Okay boss.. C'mon Rose I'll give you a tour of the factory.." I would mumble before leaving my office with her following along.

~~~(After a tour around the factory)~~~

After giving her a tour around the factory she would ask me, "Could you follow me Y/N for a moment?.." She would say shyly before taking my hand and dragging me into the toilets.. The one place Walden didn't have cameras, Once we entered she would push me against the wall pinning me, "Look here bitch. I will get your position in this god forsaken factory. Either you cooperate with me or I will make your stupid little idiotic life a living hell.

I will make you wish you never were alive or met me." She would growl, I roll my eyes, Getting the threat alot I would learn that they wouldn't have the balls to even do jack shit, "Hah.. Funny. Now move, I've got work to do." I would push her way and walk out the bathrooms and walk back to my office and begin to my paperwork again.

A few minutes later of me doing my paperwork I would almost be finished, but then a loud voice would come over the intercoms, "Y/N. My office. Now" Walden's voice would boom through. Great what did I do this time. I would get up from my chair and walk out my office down the corridor and to Walden's office, I would knock on the door, "Come in" I would hear him say, once I enter, I see him standing at his desk next to Rose, Rose seemed she was crying, "Ahem.. I've been informed that you threatened Rose in the bathrooms.." He would announce, "What??.. but I didn't do any-" "Yes you did! You said you were going to get me fired and might even hurt me if I got in your way!" She would interrupt.

"No? You threatened me!" I would shoot back, "Boss! Can't you tell they're lying?! They literally just said my reasoning back! That's such a horrible lie!" She would shout before bursting back into tears, Walden would sigh, "Y/N, if you do this again I will be forced to punish you.." Walden would groan, "What?!-" "No buts Y/N!" Walden would shout, I would tremble slightly, He hasn't gotten mad at me in so long.. "To your office NOW!" He would boom, I would quickly scramble out his office, While exiting I would see that little bitch smirking at me. So happy.

Too cool off I go to the break room, I would grab a cup of coffee and sit at one of the tables, I would hear the door creak open and I would look up, Rose. She would look up at me and sit across from me at the table, "So?. How did you like that." She would whisper giggling, "Shut your mouth. You just love getting people in trouble don't you?." I would take another sip of my coffee, "Aw~ Mad? Well stay mad little bitch." She would whisper happily, I would stand up grab her the the collar and pin her to the ground, "Shut up you little pick me!" I would growl, She would look around and begin to cry.

"oh my god! Why are you so mean! Why are you trying to hurt me!" She would scream as everyone in the break room would look at us, And pull me off of her, They would throw me to the side and check on rose.. How manipulative..

(A/N: Hi :3
Words: 746)

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