🌈 Chapter 6 ~ Remains 🌈

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No warnings :D enjoy!

After Rose was (allegedly) fired, a week or two later Y/N befriend Walden again! (After a lot of apologizing). Day after day Walden's tough exterior was cracking around Y/N, He was more friendly and more comfortable around Y/N, So he decided to take Y/N with him to a.. special experiment.

Y/N's Pov:

After the Rose incident I've been doing a lot better and honestly the whole factory has been better with her departure. I would be working on a subjects paperwork when Wally's (Walden's nickname) Voice came over the intercom once again, ' Y/N to my office, Y/N to my office ' He would repeat before turning the intercom off with a loud scratchy noise. I sigh and get up from my chair and start heading to his office, I knock on his door "Come in" He would respond, I enter his office as the big blueberry was hunched over his desk doing some paperwork.

I take a seat Infront of his desk on a chair, He would eventually finish the paper and slide it to the side of his desk before looking up at me, "Y/N" He would start, "You might be wondering why I called you up here" I would nod, "Well I'm taking you, and a search crew to the old factory.." "Old factory? What do you mean?" I ask, "Well before this factory was built there was a much smaller one, much more petty one.. And we built over it, that's why we have a basement. And why no one. Should go down there without my permission.. I trust you will this information Y/N, and you are going to help me find something.. powerful.. that we left there by accident all those years ago.."

I felt absolutely flabbergasted just learning all that! And I thought I new the factory like the back of my hand.. "Okay Boss" I would respond, He would nod "Meet me at the basement door with the rest of the search team at 04:00 tomorrow morning" I would nod.


The next morning I get up early in my dorm and get dressed, I walk out my dorm to see no one else was really awake at the time, I would wonder down the quiet hallway into the elevator, I click ground level and wait a moment before stepping out the elevator. I walk past the empty receptionist desk and miniature waiting room towards the basement door way, There I see Wally, and the search crew which was all my friends! Barnaby, Frank, Eddie, Julie, Sally, Howdy and Poppy! How convenient, "Oh Hi guys!" I would wave at them and they would wave back happily, "I honestly didn't expect you guys to be the Search crew! Especially you Poppy", "Oh my dear I'm only here if anything goes wrong!" She coos, I nod understandingly.

"We all ready?" Wally would ask in a deadpan voice, We all nod, He unlocks the door with a special key and we all follow Wally in a single file line into the narrow staircase, "Ooh! Creepy! I sooo wanna tell everyone about this!!" Sally would randomly comment halfway down the claustrophobic stair case, "If you tell anyone Sally I am going to slap some sense into that empty brain of yours." Wally responds, "Oh my dears I don't like this! It's very tight in here.." Poppy would panic, Things would spiral into loud conversations.

Wally arguing with Sally, Barnaby and Howdy trying to comfort Poppy, Eddie and Frank just casually talking, leaving me and Julie at the back of the line quiet. Suddenly Julie would trip on a crack in the stairs and come tumbling down running into me and I would run into Eddie, Eddie would run into Frank, Frank would run into Howdy, Howdy would run into Barnaby, Barnaby would run into Poppy, Poppy would run into Sally, and Finally Sally would run into Wally, Like a big dominos game, We all go tumbling down the long but narrow staircase, We all eventually crash into the bottom of the stairwell, Everyone piling on top of each other. Everyone landed on someone else, All was heard was a lot of ' Ows ' and grunts. I open my eyes to find myself on Wally and I quickly tumble off him with a big "Oof!".

We all stand up and dust ourselves off, "That was fun let's do it again!" Sally shouts, We all glare at her, "Right.. not the time" She giggles, We all turn to the old factory. It was concrete walls destroyed, The floors were mostly grass and big puddles of water with the sun dimly lighting them up from the cracks in the ceiling. It was actually pretty cool, "Remember everyone, Carful, We are only here for the Prism Crystal.." Wally would state, "Prism Crystal? What does if look like?" I question, "You'll know when you see it.." Wally would mutter, Suddenly Sally would dash off into the abandoned factory, "Sally wait! We need to stick together!-" I call out but she's already gone.

Wally would sigh "I guess everyones splitting up now." He would mutter before walking a different direction, Everyone would walk off into the decaying factory, I look around and decide to go down a small pathway, As I walk I find myself in a lab, I look around, There was old dusty machines around the containment cells with glass windows, I walk down it before hearing growling from a dark corner, I slowly turn to see red eyes flash in the dark.

(A/N: Haha cliff hanger :3
Words: 936)

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