Bowser's Childhood Photos

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Meanwhile at the Koopa Kingdom, Bowser Jr. was looking through his father's photo album. In fact, he was curious about what his father looked like as a baby, so he snuck into Bowser's room, where he found an old photo album and ended up looking through it.

"Whatcha looking at, little prince?" a nasal voice called out.

Bowser Jr. turned around and saw that the voice in question belonged to a familiar-looking Magikoopa.

"Kamek?" he squeaked in panic. "What are you doing here?"

"That's a good question," Kamek said. "Your father asked me where you were, so I searched everywhere and that was when I found you in his room. Now, what are you looking at?"

"I see," Bowser Jr. smiled. "I'm looking through Daddy's photo album because I want to see what he looks like as a baby."

"I see," Kamek replied. "Mind if I look through this album with you? The more, the merrier, right?"

"YAY!!!" Bowser Jr. squealed in joy, during which Kamek ended up looking through the photo album with Bowser Jr. together.

"You see," Kamek explained, "this album has a lot of Bowser's childhood pictures. Hey, look! There's your father! He looked exactly like you."

Much to Bowser Jr.'s surprise, he saw that his father looked exactly like himself as a baby, sans those drawn-on lips and fangs on his white bandanna.

"Wow," he squeaked, "he looked a lot like me!"

"He sure did," Kamek smiled.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN MY ROOM?!" a familiarly loud, booming voice called out from nowhere.

Bowser Jr. and Kamek turned around and saw that the voice belonged to none other than Bowser.

"Uh, sire?" Kamek asked sheepishly.

"Daddy, I can explain," Bowser Jr. cried out.

"Looking through my childhood pictures again, aren't you?" Bowser asked. "Well, kid, some pictures are better off unseen, but I can show you some if you want."

As if on cue, he came over to Bowser Jr. and Kamek, during which he snatched his photo album from them prior to showing some more to them. Then one picture suddenly stuck out to them all the more.

"This is my favorite picture," Bowser boasted. "In this picture, this was me with my aunt Rita. She used to come over to my castle every weekend and I would always spend time with her...everytime. Also, she was more like my mother to me than my mom could hope to be."

"What about Grandma?" Bowser Jr. asked.

"Oh, she was too busy ruling and so was my dad," Bowser admitted. "They weren't very great parents, by the way. Now, onto another favorite picture of mine!"

As if on cue, Bowser then pointed his clawed finger to another picture; only this time, the picture in question depicted the still young Bowser posing with the Koopa General, who was also a child. However, this picture made Bowser very sad as his tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Uh, Daddy, what's wrong?" Bowser Jr, asked in concern.

"Are you alright, sire?" Kamek asked in agreement.

"This picture here makes me think about our general even more now," Bowser said. "After all, when I first met him, I was a teenager and he was a kid. And even though I didn't know much about his home life, I just knew that he had a mother once, yet he was too traumatized to even tell us how he lost her. Nonetheless, we still took him in anyway and then when both of us were ready, I was crowned the king of the Koopas, while he was promoted as the general that he is now. By the way, he is your godfather and your uncle too!"

"Wow," Bowser Jr. said in amazement.

"That Koopa General," Kamek whimpered. "He was the best general we've ever had."

"Oh don't worry," Bowser smirked, "I know he must be around there somewhere. We just gotta' keep finding him. Look out, Mario! When we'll find him, we'll make sure that you will never again see the light of day!"

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