Author's note

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Welcome here, I am so glad to have you here reading my story!

First of all, here are few things I would like you to know before you start reading:


I'm not a native english so there  might occur some grammar mistakes in the story and also some mistypes since I am writing it on phone. I always check it after publishing but I can still overlook some.


The photos, characters and story plots taken from the series and books don't belong to me, all gratitude goes to the filmmakers and Arthur Connan Doyle. The other plots that are out of the main story line are created by me and in my mind palace.


The story contains a lot of mature scenes including self harm, anxiety, eating disorders, depression, drug addiction and so on, therefore read carefuly, be aware of these problems.
Don't forget that if you yourself suffer from things like this, you should open up to your friends, family or medical help, there is always a way to get out, always a chance to be cured, we just can't stop fighting.


I would be really grateful for any form of feedback so let me know if you like something and even if you don't like something, post comments and votes, critics both in positive or negative way can help me improve.


Let me know if you'd like to know something more about me as an author.

Enjoy your reading ♡♡♡♡

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