Journal that never got sent

27 1 3


I just found two major typos in the essay I just submitted, and quite frankly (ew that's something trump would say) I want to kick my right foot as hard as I can into some drywall. Specifically drywall because I feel I could make a dent. And specifically my right foot because that's the one I rather damage. You see, I did dance for a decade, and my left leg is what I balanced on to do my pirouettes and turns. It's really the stronger leg, but I would rather protect it.

But I've been getting the urge to carry out this specific action a lot lately, and I don't know why. I mean, there have been little things happening that tick me off, so that's what makes me experience the small moment of anger and annoyance. But why that specific action? Why not scream in a pillow? Or just don't get so upset about it?

These moments don't last very long. It's only one second.

On Friday, I was supposed to give a speech for my speech class. I was so prepared. The class got cancelled, and I could have kicked through every chair in that Danos Theater.

And on top of all of this, it's good I wouldn't actually do this, because it probably would not turn out the way I think it would. I probably wouldn't be able to make a dent that easily in the wall, and my foot wouldn't last after one kick. So all I can do is carry out the action in my brain when moments like those arise, and then move on.

As I'm writing this I'm sitting in the lobby of Talbot hall. The internet is absolute trash write now. I have the urge to kick every one of those seats in Danos theatre again.

I don't mean to beef with a theatre.

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