【04.0】your destiny is in the cards

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BLAZE'S FIRST CONCERN when he showed up to the apartment was that Jay looked as though he hadn't slept in days. He probably didn't look too hot either, but as Jayar struck a match against his palm and lit his alarming fourth cigarette in a row⸻the first two discarded on the table and the third still in his mouth⸻he was sure that however long he'd been putting off actually going to bed, he was pushing it.

"When was the last time you got some rest?"

Jayar exhaled a puff of grayish smoke, bloodshot eyes darting in his direction. The window in the half-kitchen-half-dining-area was propped open, which at least helped with the smell. "None of your business," he answered easily, in a singsongy tone. "Anyone outside?"

Blaze dropped the issue, not caring enough to press it. "In this building? No one hangs around outside unless they wanna get mugged."

Jay shrugged his agreement and wandered to the minifridge to rummage around. "Well, you're the first to the party," he said. "Not noon yet."

"You sure it's such a good idea to tell all these guys where you live?" There was a lot Blaze didn't like about this whole ordeal, and the more time he'd given himself to think about it, the more hesitant he'd become. Jayar was collecting near-strangers like playing cards, some even from opposing gangs.

He mustered a grin, but it wasn't as energetic as usual. The man really could use a shower and a nap. Maybe a spiked coffee. Blaze could go for some coffee with a few shots of rum right about now, himself. "What? You don't trust whores and hitmen? Don't be such a buzzkill."

Blaze rolled his eyes. "One day your stupidity'll catch up to you."

"Oh, don't look so disappointed. I'm sure you'll be there at the betting tables collecting your reward when it does."

"Nah, with four million kruge I'll be long gone by then."

"So you do think we'll survive this little escapade," Jay said triumphantly with a gleam in his eye. He tossed him an orange and kept one for himself. "Catch." Blaze felt as though he could eat an entire barn, but food was just as difficult to access for Jayar as it was for him, so he didn't push it.

Blaze opened his mouth to tell Jayar what he'd learned before coming here, but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Three brief taps.

"Speak of the devil."

He'd have to have this conversation shortly. Blaze walked over and undid the locks, of which Jayar had astonishingly few for the reputation of his apartment building, peering in through the peephole before easing the door carefully open. He didn't recognize the girl who had arrived early, but she had a tawny complexion and a highly athletic build, scrutinizing him with keen amber eyes.

Blaze didn't realize they'd been speaking Ravkan until Jayar greeted their new guest in Kerch. He mentally scolded himself⸻again. The two of them really needed to get out of that habit. "Miss Drojher," he said brightly from the kitchen, "welcome to our thirty-million gamble! Watch your step, there might be a thing or two on the floor."

"Glad I made it to the right place." This must have been Jay's backup Ice Court intel. Or his spider. Or both. Or something else entirely. He hadn't been very specific, either because the details were vague in his own mind or because he just didn't feel like telling Blaze anything. Both options were likely. The girl's voice was even and her Kerch fairly impeccable for a Fjerdan, although she didn't look like any Fjerdan he'd seen. She sidestepped a small pile of dirty laundry. Blaze felt queasy looking at it, but Jay didn't seem to mind in the slightest that strangers were being made privy to his less-than-tidy flat. She dropped her hood and nodded to Blaze. "Dagny Drojher; and you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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